Chapter 12

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***Warning: small part will contain violence***

Are you ready to go, sweetheart?” My father said, looking at me normally.

Maybe he didn't see me.

“Yeah, I’m ready to go.”

“Hey, Dad, can I look over Austin’s mafia with you, while he is in a coma?” I looked at him with determination.

“Sweetheart, you can help, you don’t have to ask me, I know you care for him considering he has been taking care of you”, my dad said.

He’s been doing more than just taking care of me.

A Few Days Later……

I had been visiting Austin almost every day, however, I had to be cautious so as to not let my dad suspect something.

I have been taking care of business alongside my father, to keep things smooth sailing.

Right now I’m sitting in my office, looking over shipment documents as there has been money missing from the accounts.

Someone is going to get hurt if the money isn’t placed back into the bank accounts.

Hitting the button on my desk, “Jason, bring the accountants into my office”.

Jason came in with the two accountants, looking disheveled they sat down in the chairs in front of me.

One was shifting his eyes around the room, never making eye contact. While the other was very calm, almost too calm.

“Where’s my money”, I asked with a very serious look. They looked at me dumbfounded, but they didn’t open their mouths like they didn't f*cking hear me.

Ok, I guess we are playing the hard way.

Pulling the gun I kept under my desk, onto the top of the desk, cocking it back, and placing it down toward the nervous-looking accountants.

I asked again.

“Where is my money, this time you both better open those pretty mouths and speak or a bullet will be between those eyes”.

That got their attention real fast as they both started explaining to me how they had been stealing the money to fund their gambling addiction.

Shaking my head, while looking at the both of them, I picked up my gun and shot both of them.

“Now was that so hard, Jason call the cleaners, I want these clean when I get back tomorrow”, I said while putting the gun in my purse and leaving my office.

Arriving at the hospital, I reached the door of Austin’s room and pushed in. Walking toward the chair beside him, I sat down and held his hand.

Usually when I come to visit I talk about my day or how I can’t wait till he wakes up.

I had been sitting beside him for about 2 hours, and it was time to go.

While standing up, I caressed his face, and leaned in to kiss his lips.

“I Love You, I’ll see you tomorrow around the same time”, I had said.

“I love you too, sweetheart”.

Stopping in my tracks, I turned around and saw Austin sitting up right with a smile on his face staring back  at me.

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