Chapter 11

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*** Warning** This chapter will contain violence theme. **

Love is the reason we continue to fight, and never give up. 


As I walked back upstairs to the meeting room where my dad and his soldiers were discussing a plan.

I couldn't help but wonder what other information the underboss had about me and Austin's relationship. 

I took a seat beside my dad at the head of the table.

"Did you get the information of where he is being kept?" He said, looking at me.

I replied with a smirk. "Yeah, I got it. He is being held in a warehouse an hour away from here".

"We will leave in an hour, go clean up and get ready."

Making my way up the stairs to my room, I pulled all the stuff I needed out of my duffle bag.

After my shower, I put on black pants and a long-sleeved shirt, attaching my gun and my knives on my thigh, while putting my other gun in my pants.

I was ready.

Arriving at the warehouse, we made sure to take the necessary precautions.

Our team positioned snipers on the rooftop while we equipped our firearms with silencers.

Our goal was to remain discreet and avoid any commotion that could harm Austin's life before we could reach him.

I made it into the building rounding a corner, shooting a man in the head coming my way.

Walking over his body, I turned down the hallway leading to the basement. As I opened the door, I saw him.

He was tied up in the chair, legs chained. He was bruised all over his chest while cuts and blood were seeping from his head.

I looked over the room, noticing two people standing over the table about to grab the hammer, while the other grabbed a syringe.

I quietly walked into the room, aiming my gun at the one with the syringe, I shot him in the head.

While the other grabbed the gun off the table and aimed it at me. We pulled the trigger at the same time.


He had shot me in my left shoulder, luckily I had been quicker shooting, him in the head.

Holding my shoulder, I hastily walked toward Austin and undid the chains, grabbing him, pulling him up, and walking toward the door.

Dad rushed down the hall, grabbed Austin under his shoulder, and rushed him out of the building toward the van.


The doctor had stitched my shoulder up hours ago.

We had been sitting in the waiting room of our private hospital for hours. 

The doctor had told us he had needed emergency surgery because of the blood filling up his chest from broken ribs puncturing his heart.

The doctor, Mr. William, looked scared as he walked up to us, as every other employee and soldier did, as Dad did have a reputation.

"Mr. Smith, Austin is now stabilized however, he flatlined on the table and is being put into an induced coma."

"Will he wake up?", said my dad, looking distraught.

"His body and his brain have endured trauma, he will wake up when he sees fit. You can visit, his room is 507."

Dad had gone and seen him, I had told him I wanted to see him.

I walked into his room and saw him attached to wires and pumps. I felt a sense of hopelessness seeing him like that.

Walking up next to the chair, I took a sit and held his hand, caressing his face.

"Austin, please wake up. I just got to have you as mine and the love of my life. I know you are strong and will wake up. We still have to get married and have kids, not necessarily in that order."

I placed my mouth near his ear, "I will take care of your position along with Dad, while also taking care of you."

I pulled my mouth away from his ear, kissing his lips in a soft kiss, then proceeding to kiss his forehead.

I let go of his hand and turned around toward the door, looking up had my breath leaving my chest.


He couldn't have possibly seen me kissing his best friend, had he?

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