A Confession?

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Chapter Five
A Confession?

"Are you alright, Jack? You've been acting a little off this morning.."

"Hm?" The skeleton looked up from his desk to see the Mayor's worried face eyeing him thoughtfully. Pulling himself from his thoughts, it took a moment to remember he was in town hall now. He did his best to force a smile. "Oh, yes. I'm fine. Just as dreadful as always."

"Are you sure? You almost seem... distracted..."

"Of course not, I'm perfectly focused" Jack sat up straight and collected his papers into a neat pile, before picking up his pen. "See? I'm just.. A little tired is all.."
"If you say so..." The Mayor shook his head and returned his attention to his own documents, scribbling away at them. Jack sighed.

Truthfully, he really was a bit distracted this morning. There was a lot on his mind, most of it regarding one subject- Sally.

Ever since the previous night, Jack couldn't seem to get the ragdoll out of his head. There were several perplexing questions floating around inside his skull that refused to leave him alone. The most prominent of questions: why? Why did he do it? Why did he kiss her?

As much as he didn't want to think about it, there really seemed no way around it. But no matter which way or direction he approached the subject, nothing... made sense. Jack always had troubles understanding his feelings, but this was frustrating him more than normal.

The environment he was in wasn't helping at all, either. The room was too hot and stuffy, and the skeleton found himself repeatedly tugging at his collar. Maybe now would be a good time for his lunch break.

He stood from his seat and motioned toward the door with his hand to the mayor, who simply nodded. Jack took his exit, left town hall and began to walk home.

He wasn't surprised to find a small, glowey pumpkin nose waiting there to greet him as he opened the front door. Zero barked happily as the skeleton reached down to pat him on the head.

Jack stepped inside and headed straight into the kitchen. Once there, he leaned on the counter and attempted to relax himself. Zero could sense his owner's frustration and gently nudged his leg. The skeleton sighed.

"Oh, Zero... my ghostly companion. Don't worry boy, I'm alright." He told him, The same thoughts from before began drifting back to him, and he pretty much picked up where he left off earlier.

Jack just didn't understand it. Why did he say all those things to her last night? Why had he felt the way he did? And most importantly, why exactly did he kiss her? Friends don't exactly just go around kissing each other like that, now do they. There MUST be something here that he's missing.

Jack rubbed his skull, mumbling to himself. "Perhaps I'm overthinking this..."

He moved over to the stove, getting ready to prepare lunch for himself. He hoped that maybe this would distract him a little. But much to his dismay, it didn't. All he could think of was this morning- how awkward it had been to eat breakfast with Sally.

'That's right... neither of us...spoke about it' he thought, 'and it's going to continue to be awkward until we do, isn't it? You cannot just kiss your best friend and then never mention it again, foolish skeleton.'

Jack put down the plate that was in his hands, making his mind up right then and there that he needed to talk to her. Oh, poor Sally... he couldn't even BEGIN to imagine how she must be feeling right now. He must have put her into such an uncomfortable situation, knowing how shy and reserved she can be. And he felt horrible for it.

'All the more reason I need to speak to her..'

Jack left his lunch at the counter and walked over to a nearby drawer to pull out a small sheet of paper and a pen. The ink dripped a little down the side as he began to write.

Dear Sally,



The Ragdoll yawned as she flipped through the pages of her 'Scientific Method' book, only half reading it. Obviously... she had better things on her mind at this moment.

After Jack walked her back home and she was sentenced to her studies once again, she was instead more or less just trying to relax, keeping her book open in case the doctor decided to check on her at any point for any reason. But it was hard to relax when all she could think about was that one kiss with the man she loved so dearly. And god, what she would do to feel his lips on hers again. But.. there were still a few things bothering her about it.

Where did that leave them now? Surely....this means that Jack must love her back, right? And if that's the case, they can't possibly remain 'just friends' can they? But if Jack does love her... why didn't he say so? He said all those things to her last night... about how he enjoyed her company and such... but that wasn't a real confession. Was he just...shy? Embarrassed, maybe? But-


Sally's inquiries were interrupted by the sound of... paper? Paper, in the wind? She looked over towards her open window. There was a small paper airplane on the ground below it. Confused, Sally walked over and picked it up. She unfolded it right away, her curiosity peaked. She recognized the handwriting before she even read the signature.

Dear Sally,

Please meet me by the spiral hill later this evening. There are a few things I wish to speak to you about. I apologize for the short notice, but I hope this will work out.


Jack Skellington

Sally smiled brightly and held the note up to her chest. Her heat leaped. Could it be...? Was this... what she thought it was? Was he actually going to admit he had feelings for her? And would she be able to admit it back??

She sat down on her bed still clutching the note, and feeling very optimistic. She couldn't wait to hear what he had to say.

A/N: very glad to finally have this done woo!! Sorry it took so long lmao- especially since it's so short ._. The next one will be longer I promise!!! And speaking of the next chapter- chapter 6 will be the final chapter!! I'm looking forward to wrapping things up :) so stay tuned!! And as always, thanks for reading!! <3

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