Tears Of Doubt

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Chapter One
Tears of doubt

It was a quiet, warm evening in Halloween Town. Sally could hear the soft noise of leaves blowing through the wind as she watched crows fly through the sunset. She sighed, letting one of her hands drape down the outside of the window, while resting the other calmly on the sill. Her scarlet red hair blew gently in the breeze, and she could feel the cool air on the back of her neck. It was very peaceful.

Sally may be stuck up in her tower like she usually is, but she wasn't going to let that ruin her evening. Fortunately, It wasn't a problem to open her window, since the doctor always forgets to lock it.
She just needed some fresh air after a long, hard day of nothing but work and chores. Often, staring out the round window in her room was her only escape from the prison she's forced to reside in. The tower.

The doll sighed once more, letting her eyes naturally shift from gazing at the sunset, over to that one building she found herself looking at all too often: The Skellington Manor. Home of none other than the Pumpkin King himself, Jack Skellington. A blush formed on her cheeks that spread across her nose. She could see him up there, in his observatory, pacing around like he usually is, with his hands behind his back.

Sally had realized her feelings for him a long time ago. It was strange to think about...feelings...but, they were there nonetheless. She was just glad that her friend didn't seem to notice. The last thing she would want is for Jack to think of her as just another one of his "admirers". She didn't want that. She wanted to be friends with him. And she was glad they were- well, mostly. The only times they were really able to talk would be if Sally escaped from the tower- something she was still a bit uncomfortable doing. But, if the tower ever became too claustrophobic, which it did, then breaking the rules suddenly didn't sound so bad.

She gazed up at the figure pacing around in the tall building, wondering what he was doing. What he was thinking. She closed her eyes.

Thump Thump Thump

Three loud knocks on her medal door, followed by a raspy voice from the other side.
"Sally? Are you in there? I'm coming in."

The Ragdoll gasped, quickly leaning out the window and pulling it shut. She then darted over to her bed, sitting down and folding her hands neatly on her lap.
She heard the lock come off her door, and in a few seconds, it opened, revealing a not-so-thrilled looking Doctor Finkelstein. He wheeled over to her.
Sally could see a few books placed on his lap, but she wasn't able to make out what was on the covers.
His eyes darted over her, eyeing the Ragdoll up and down while she sat there uncomfortably, hoping she didn't appear too suspicious.

"What were you up to, Sally?" He asked. She fiddled her hands nervously, glancing back towards the window.

"Oh....Just....uh..." She tried to think of an excuse, quick. Her eyes searched frantically around her room, noticing the unfinished dress lying on her table.
"...Sewing..?" She lied.

Unfortunately, the Doctor must have heard her tone of voice, as well as seen her glance out the window, because he looked over there himself, immediately noticing the view. He could see Jack up in his tower. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't lie to me, Girl!" He snapped. "You were watching Skellington again, weren't you?!"
Sally blinked. The reddish tint came back to her nose as she played shyly with her hair. How did he....?
She didn't want to lie again...but it would be embarrassing to admit! However, he was already onto her, so she may as well come clean.
"Uh..w-well..I....I did..see him up there..." She answered, biting her lip. Doctor Finkelstein shook his head disapprovingly.

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