Just Friends...for Now

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Chapter Six
Just Friends... for Now

The ragdoll sat at the end of the large table, staring down at the food on her plate. She anxiously clutched the note inside her pocket, glancing up at the clock every couple of seconds. Jack hadn't mentioned what time she should meet him, but 'later this evening' had to be sometime soon. The anticipation was killing her.

"You've hardly touched your soup, Sally. Not hungry?" Finkelstein's voice came from across the table. She looked up.

"Oh. Um, no. Not really." She released the note and folded her hands on the table. "My, uh, stomach doesn't feel too well. May I be excused, Doctor?"

"Hmm" he grumbled. "Alright. Fine. Go ahead, get some rest." The end of his sentence was muffled by the spoon in his mouth. Sally smiled and stood up, thanking him as she headed for the ramp in the other room. But his voice stopped her for a moment before she could get there. "-I'll be up to check on you in a little while, so don't think about sneaking out again. Alright?"

She nodded her reply- although she didn't really mean it- and finally headed up the ramp and into her bedroom.

Once there, Sally sat down on her bed and held back a deep sigh. She debated on what to do as she glanced at the window. It was a bit soon, but would it really hurt to get there a little bit early? Afterall, it might do her good to relax and calm her nerves before Jack arrives.

She hopped off the bed and trotted up to the window. Sally observed the scene below her- it was a gorgeous evening. The breeze was soft, and she could tell from the sky that the sun would be setting soon. It seemed now would be a fine time to head out.

Clicking the window open, Sally flung her left leg over sill, and soon the rest of her, until she was falling quickly onto the golden leaf covered pavement below.

When she opened her eyes, the world around her was dark until her vision finally focused. Blinking, Sally sat up. Her right arm was barely hanging on by a thread, and her left leg had come apart at her thigh. She quickly stuffed the leaves back in and sewed herself up, and, using the side of the building to balance herself, she stood. After hesitating for a moment, her trip to the spiral hill had begun.


The pumpkin sun had barely begun to go down by the time she got there. Sally approached the withered gate. She found her hands slightly shaky, which was odd. Perhaps she was more nervous to speak with Jack than she originally thought.

A breeze swept through her hair and around her neck as she passed through, giving her chills.

Not much had changed about this place since the last time she was here, which had been quite awhile ago. It was nice to be back. Fog still covered the gravestones, moss lined the ground by her feet, the atmosphere was still creepy, yet soothing. It was a nice feeling.

Sally's eyes scanned the area around her. As they glanced around, her gaze found its way to the hill. A tall figure was standing at the top.


He was already here. It startled her a little bit- she really was expecting to have arrived before him. But seeing as he was already waiting on her, there was no point in hesitating any longer. She approached the hill from the side, quietly, waiting for him to notice her. He must have been able to hear the crunch of the leaves under her feet, because after one step closer the skeleton suddenly turned to her direction, spotting her immediately. He looked a little surprised, but forced a smile anyway. She smiled back. Stepping a tad closer to her, he greeted, "Horrible evening, Sally"

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