Back to the Tower

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Chapter Four

Back to the Tower

Sally awoke the next morning to the sound of the skeletal rooster crowing nearby. She yawned, reaching up to rub her eyes which were struggling to adjust to the golden sunlight that was pouring in through the window across the room. For a second, she had forgotten where she was, finding it strange that her blanket was so unusually warm. But it all came back to her rather quickly. She sat up against her pillow slightly, yawning one more time as she attempted to wake up the rest of the way.

'Oh, that's right..' she remembered, thinking to herself, 'I'm still at Jack's place...Jack...' She smiled even just at his name. Her face tinted slightly pink as she recalled more of last evening- bumping into him in the kitchen, having a talk with him about the Doctor, getting him to agree to speak with him, flattering each other with kind words, and then..

'He kissed me...'

Sally brought a hand up to the side of her face.

'Jack Skellington- the one man I've been dearly in love with for so long- he really kissed me..! That had to be real, right? It wasn't some dream..? No...he did. He really did..'

She remembered it vividly.

Surely, this had to mean something, right? Could it really be possible that..Jack was in love with her as well?

Her smile widened as a new feeling washed over her. Hope.

Maybe she would be able to prove the doctor wrong after so many nights thinking he was right. Maybe she in fact wasn't crazy for having such feelings for the skeleton. And who knows? Maybe they could end up together after all.

The ragdoll giggled, standing up off the couch and unwrinkling her dress. She had a feeling today was going to be a good day. Slipping her shoes back on, Sally walked over towards the door. She couldn't wait to talk to Jack.

'I wonder what he might say to me today... he will bring up the kiss right? Surely, he must..' Her mind swirled as she walked down the hallway, her face continuing to blush.

'I wonder if he's awake yet...' she thought, but a scent reaching her nose from the kitchen caught her attention and answered her question pretty quickly. He must be making breakfast.

Sally found herself hesitating at the kitchen entrance. She had already told herself that Jack kissing her last night surely meant... something. But, a part of her still felt nervous to see him again. It made her feel shy. What if she was somehow wrong? Maybe she was thinking too far into it and it really didn't mean anything? She didn't want to assume... but oh, how could it not? This was a KISS for crying out loud! And not even on the hand or cheek. No. He kissed her lips. Yet there was still a little voice in the back of her mind telling her that she shouldn't jump to conclusions about his feelings.

The ragdoll shook her head to clear it. 'Come on Sally, it's alright...' she thought, 'Just go in and talk to him. That will definitely give me some answers..' She sighed one last time before taking a breath and pushing the door open, peering into the kitchen.

Jack was standing over to the side in front of the stove with his back to her, humming. Sally couldn't see what he was making from where she was standing, but whatever it was smelled really good. She also took notice of what he was wearing, his regular suit pants and white shirt, but he didn't have his tie or Jacket on. From that she could almost see an outline of his spine, and he had his sleeves rolled up a little bit past his wrists. To Sally, this was just another friendly reminder of how attractive he was. She tried not to stare as she approached him slowly, unsure how exactly she should greet him but doing so anyway.

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