Words of Love

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Chapter Three
words of love

"Sally? Sally are you okay?"

The ragdoll was lying on the floor, her head pounding furiously in pain.

After walking into the kitchen, she had hit something, and fallen backwards. During her fall, she had slammed the back of her head into the counter before hitting the floor, momentarily knocking her out. When she gained consciousness a few seconds later, the first thing she felt was a hand placed on her arm, followed by a voice softly calling her name.

"Sally? Sally please!"

The hand on her arm gently nudged her. She stirred, blinking her eyes open slightly. It took a second for her vision to focus, but when it did, she wasn't at all surprised by what she saw.

Jack was sitting next to her on the ground, on his knees. He was leaning toward her, trying to wake her up. Worry was plastered all over his features.

"Ow..." Sally winced as pain continued to throb in the back of her head. The ragdoll carefully blinked her eyes the rest of the way open.

"Sally!" Jack let go of her arm. "Thank god, you're awake. I am so sorry, are you alright?!"

She struggled to sit up, leaning her back against the counter. She rubbed her hand against the bruised spot on the back of her head, hoping to reduce the pain.

"Er...yeah..." She answered, "I-I'm alright..."

Jack tilted his head. "You don't sound very well..." Sally waved it off.

"I just fell, is all. I'll be fine..."

"It looked like quite a nasty fall, though- you seemed to hit your head pretty hard. You're not dizzy are you? Does it hurt?" He looked concerned.

She rubbed her head again. "Of course it...hurts a little, but, I assure you, Jack, I'm fine. And...no, I'm not dizzy."

The skeleton sighed. "...alright.." He stood up, taking a second to smooth out his pajama top before turning back to his injured friend and holding out his hand to help her up. "Please, forgive me, Sally...this is my fault. You crashed directly into me- If I'd have-"

"-No, Jack, It's okay. It's more my fault than yours.." She took his hand and stood up. "If I had been looking where I was going, I wouldn't have ran into you. Even then, It's really not that big of a deal. I'm fine, see?" She turned her head and smiled a little. "If anything, I should be the one apologizing for..bumping into you.."

Jack shook his skull.

"Nonsense. I'm not the one who hit my head..." He sighed again. "I'm just...I'm glad you're okay." Sally nodded.

"Yes...I'm fine" she assured him, and she was serious. The pain was starting to fade.

Jack nodded once. He looked at her for a moment before asking, "..What were you coming out here for? If you don't mind me asking...." He tilted his head. "It's just that it's..rather late, and, I expected you to be asleep by now, considering how tired you were."

Sally blinked. "Oh! Well..I..." she rubbed her arm. "I've just been..having some trouble sleeping, is all. I just came out to get a drink." she looked back up at him, letting a piece of hair fall over her shoulder. "...what are you doing up?" she asked. Jack smiled.

"Same as you, it seems.." he chuckled. "I was just getting some water myself. In fact, here-" He reached over to the counter and picked up a small glass, already filled with the clear liquid. "I haven't drank out of it yet- so you can have mine"

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