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They arrived home, Robby walked to his house and Milani and Gio entered theres.

"Has dad gotten back yet?" Gio asked as he put the keys on the table.

"No not yet, go clean yourself up before dad gets here Millie" Maddy said as she noticed her sister was a mess. Milani went upstairs to take a shower and brush her hair and teeth. She put on sweatpants and a hoodie with some warm socks to be comfortable.

She walked downstairs to find a bottle of water next to a single pill of aspirin. She took it and decided to make herself a sandwich since she had gotten hungry.

"Dad's here!" Ricky said to everyone. They all sat down on the couch.

                         *5 minutes later*

"So as we all know money has been tight ever know, anyways I got the job but this doesn't mean we have a lot of money now, we are going to bring someone to live with us, and they will help with rent." Their dad said.

"So you got the job?" Enzo asked. Rafael nodded and they all said "congratulations" to him.

"But since I'm barely starting, I won't be winning a lot of money so we can't and won't spend money on things we don't need" He continued as he emphasized the word 'won't'. This is when Milani realized he never said who would move in with them.

"Wait so who's gonna move in?" She asked as she got up to get her water bottle.

"Remi is going to move in with us, we are going the buy a sofa bed and he's going to sleep in the living room" He responded. Milani choked on her water, they all ignored her.

"Oh my god when?!" Milani asked excitedly. The last time they had seen their uncle Remi was when they were still in elementary school. They never heard from him after that.

Remi was also their mom's brother, he was a nice guy, he liked to make people laugh and help those in need.

"Not sure he said he'll let me know... anyways that was all I needed to tell you, you guys could go back to doing... whatever it was you were doing" He said as he sat down at the table. They heard a knock at the door, Ricky got up and opened it but no one was there. He looked around outside but didn't see anyone.

"There's some food in the microwave we left for you dad" Maddy said as she went upstairs behind Milani. He nodded at went to the microwave.

"I think you should take a nap" Maddy said to Milani as she followed her into her room.

"I'm not even that tired and anyways Charlie said he would pick me up at 4 to go the park"

"Okay? It's barely 1, which means you have 3 hours to sleep, it'll help with any pain or headache" Maddy said. Milani laid down on her bed, she now felt more tired. She closed her eyes.

"Wake me up at 2:40?" Milani asked. Maddy put a blanket over her. She set Milani's phone to 2:40 pm and left the room.

*3:57 pm*

"Milani wake up, your phones been ringing" Enzo said as he woke up his sister. She got up and rubbed her eyes.

"What time is it?" She asked. He showed her the phone. Her eyes widen and got up, she had overslept, she had turned off her alarm out of habit and fell back asleep.

"Is he here yet?" She asked as she put on her shoes, she decided she was just going to go out with what she was already wearing.

"Is who here?" Enzo asked from the doorway.

"Charlie, he said he would pick me up"

"Oh um I don't think so," He responded as he walked back downstairs. She followed him down and sat at the table.

"Feeling better?" Maddy whispered. Milani nodded her head yes, and got a caprison. They heard a knock on the door. Rafael got up and opened it.

"Oh hey Charlie," He said as he opened the door so Charlie could get in. They all said hello to him and went back to what they were doing.

Charlie had been over to the house many times, and they love to have him there. Although he isn't related to them by blood, they still treated him as a family member since both his siblings are away at college.

"Hey Charlie, want a caprison?" Milani asked as she opened the fridge.

"Yes please," He said as Milani handed him one. Milani walked over to her dad.

"Could I go out with Charlie? We're just gonna go the park for a while," She asked.

"Yes but be home by 6, I don't want you or Charlie going out when it gets too dark," He said. She said "Thank you!" and went out the door.

"Playground or no?" Charlie asked as Milani sat down in the front seat.

"Umm...playground for sure" She said as she put on her seatbelt. They exited her street and drove off. They sat in comfortable silence until Charlie spoke up.

"Sooooo, it looks like you like Robby...I mean I'm just guessing but the way you were being so nice to him at 2 am-"

"I don't" She said as she looked out the window. Charlie rolled his eyes.

"So if Robby happens to be at the park today, you wouldn't say anything?"

"Obviously if I saw him I would say hey...wait- why? is he coming? Did you invite him? Why didn't-"

"I knew it! God you're so gullible, but no I didn't invite him"Charlie said. They arrived at the park and walked to the playground. They went to the swings sat there.

"I'm really craving another caprison" He said. Milani pulled something out of her hoodie.

"Luckily I brought 2 more...but since you're such a liar you're not getting an-"

"Oh hey Milani, hey Charlie, I didn't expect you guys to be here?" Robby said walking towards them. Milani and Charlie looked shocked. She looked at Charlie confused but he gave her the same look back.
Hey😋 sorry for not being that active I had to hw and then my fish drowned
🥺💔😔/j anyways I'm back and here's this chapter, I'm still writing the next one and I'm thinking of  adding titles to the chapters! Anyways hope you guys are doing good! And thank you so much for 4K views and 100 likes! <3 I really appreciate you all! :)

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