Chapter 1

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(I have literally no clue if this is gonna fit the timeline of the story but odds are it won't so oops in advance)

Also this first chapter and maybe the next one is going to be from Fushiguro's POV in third person just for intro, but the rest should be the reader in first person, unless I decide to change it which is very possible. Anyway.

His day had been the closest to normal his days ever get. He'd gone on a half hour run in the morning, showered, eaten, then gotten called by Gojo for a mission. The Grade three curse had only taken a couple hours to locate and exercise from the cheap walkthrough haunted house.

Megumi was on his way home now, Gojo trailing behind him god knows where. He was mentally filling out the report that Gojo would no doubt shirk onto his student, when he heard the clanging of a chain link fence and sickening cackles.

He turn in time to see the dress shoe of a school uniform crack against a boy's face, blood spraying from his lips. Along with a tooth.

The three boys viscously continued to batter the boy as Megumi began to approach, only stopping when he saw somebody running out of the school building.

Her hair was tied back, holding her uniform skirt down with one hand as she ran, her booted feet kicking up dirt. She slid down in front of the sobbing boy just in time to take a kick to her forearms, which she'd crossed into an X to protect her face and the boy behind her. He quivered violently, but still made an effort to push her away.

"What do you assholes think you're doing?" She demanded, shifting into a crouch, not taking her eyes off the three attackers. She looked younger than them, as did the boy they were beating. None of the boys replied, simply looking between each other with amused expressions. She clearly didn't like that.

"I asked you a question."

"Oh, big and tough now are we? Go back inside. This is none of your business." The largest guy of the three spoke up. "Give me a good reason that he deserves this and I will. I'm all for justice you know. Unless you're just attacking some innocent second year because daddy drank too much last night and decided he didn't love you anymore, Saito," she said with a sweet smile, tapping the bone between her right eye and her temple. The same place the boy, Saito, had a yellowing bruise.

Now that Megumi looked the boy did look beat up on, a couple more bruises on his jaw and a split lip.

Saito's fist didn't take a moment to start flying after she finished her sentence, her eyes got big and she began to shrink, still attempting to cover the second year's body with her own. "How dare y-" His fist never landed. Instead of it's target he struck Megumi's palm, which hardly shifted an inch despite the supposed force thrown into the punch.

"I think this is beginning to go too far, don't you?" He asked softly. Saito's eyes widened into a crazy smirk. "What is it with everyone picking fights today? You just don't know what's good for you, do you?" He said, winding up again. Before Megumi got a chance to correct Saito's mistakes there was a booming voice from Megumi's right.

"Saito! Manabe! Nakamura!" Saito froze and turned slowly to the teacher, who was standing, arms crossed next to the door. He snapped and pointed to his side, to which the three boys flashed a look back at the three younger kids in front of them. Apparently deciding it wasn't worth it they stepped off, one of them putting his hands up as they approached the teacher. "We were just messing around man we're all friends- OW! Christ, man are you trying to tear my ear off?" The teacher stormed off, an ear in his left hand and the collar of Saito's shirt in his right, the third boy trailing behind, shooting a glare back at his victim.

The girl stood and pulled the second year up behind her. The front of a notebook from his spilled bag read Hajime Suzuki. Megumi watched as she got Suzuki to his feet and pulled one of his arms across her shoulders despite his half hearted protests.

"Thank you," she said, meeting Megumi's eyes with a gentle smile. Instead of saying your welcome, or maybe, no problem, like a normal person, Megumi decided to go in with some advice. "You shouldn't rush into situations like that without thinking, especially when you can't get them under control." Her smile fell into confusion and surprise, eyes narrowing a bit. "Who says I didn't have it under control?" Megumi snorted softly. "I do. I saw it all play out, you clearly ran into a dangerous situation without thinking, you even took some hits. It's a bad idea to do things like that without a plan, you're lucky I was here."

Her eyes got big and her nose twitched, looking like she wanted to yell, before quickly relaxing her face and looking up at him with no expression. It was kind of eerie how she could do something like that so quickly. "It's better I take a couple hits than let somebody else take all of them, and those guys weren't really planning on hurting me. They're disgusting people but even they wouldn't try so hard to put a girl in the hospital. Plus, teachers rush in ten times faster when they realize that it's a girl getting beat up on instead of a guy. It's messed up but it's the way things are at our school, which by the way you clearly don't go to, so you should get off the campus before you get someone in trouble. Thank you for the help." She turned with Suzuki and muttered something softly about a nurse before striding back into the school.

Needless to say Megumi felt like a dick. She had a plan all along, he had just been too dumb to look past the surface of the situation and glance into her, frankly brilliant, quickly formed plan. It was sloppy, next to no shape and if any of her calculations were even a little of she would have been in big trouble had Megumi not showed up. But it was a smart plan nonetheless, and she was brave, he could give her that much.

He met back up with Gojo who had at some point obtained two popsicles, (both for himself, obviously) and they sat silently at the bus stop until Gojo asked if something was wrong. Megumi had just shrugged and looked at the white haired man, blue sugar-water dripping down his chin. He turned away and frowned in disgust at the mental child he called a teacher, mulling back over the situation in his head.

Eventually he decided there was no point in dwelling on somebody he would never see again. He'd hurt her pride. Oops. So what? It wasn't his problem anymore so he would just let it go. Forget about it, move on, and that would be it.

That was what he had thought, anyway.


Okay I know I already said this at the beginning of the chapter but I want to reiterate this this is a far more joke-y and lighthearted/ "unprofessionally written" (I guess) chapter than the rest will hopefully be and it's really just here for some exposition cause I didn't feel like writing a first person recount of that fight and there meeting lmao ;-;

Anyways have a good day everybody :)


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