Chapter 4

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(Y'all know what curses are and I don't feel like writing Megumi explaining it please forgive me lmao)


(cliché ik stfu i just don't wanna have to deal with writing in a family lmao)

"Wh- Why the hell would you tell me that?"

I rub my hands up and down my face. Maybe this is a nightmare. Maybe I'm dreaming. Wake up Y/N. God, please wake up.

Fushiguro just watches patiently. Damn it why is he so calm.

"You're kidding, right? Like this is some kind of stupid prank or- or something. Please tell me that you're joking, because it isn't funny."

The boy just shakes his head slowly, opening his mouth to speak before Gojo interrupts him. "It's not a joke, but look on the bright side, you can see curses, which means you can protect yourself from them if you practice."

I look up at him, he's crouched in front of me next to Fushiguro, a stupid grin on his face. "What the fuck." He frowns. "Language," the tone of his voice makes it sound like he'd just watched me kick a puppy or something.

"What the fuck ? Why would you- why would you say that? Wh-"

"Why don't we go talk to your parents about getting you set up at our school, hm?"

Fushiguro turns to the man, dumbfounded. "What-?"

Gojo lays a hand on his student's shoulder with a smile. "You know I'm selective with the students I take on, Fushiguro. Let me handle this one, you go home." He stands and offers his hand to me. I ignore it and stand on my own, half nervous that if I touch him my hand will slide right through him like air. Fushiguro is still alone on the ground, his mouth slightly open like he wants to say something, but if there was something on his mind, he keeps it to himself, turning to leave.

"I'll go let the staff know that the evacuation was a false alarm," he walked off quietly, the dog standing to pad after him silently. Gojo stands in front of me with a grin on his face. "Well, shall we?" He turns to walk off, but stops about ten steps into his journey when he doesn't hear me following. "What are you doing?"

I stare at him, mouth shut. He sighs.

"Listen, I know this is weird and scary, but you're never going to understand if you don't trust me for now, okay? Now come on."

I take one step, two, next thing I know I'm following him downstairs, out the back entrance of the school and- "So, where do you live?"

Oh, that.

"About that..."

He turns to me expectantly and I quietly say. "My parents are kind of, you know..."

His mouth opens slightly and he stuffs his hands in his pockets, suddenly seeming nervous. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"I'm fine. It was a while ago anyways. I'm staying with a foster family now, they're cool but I get the feeling they don't like me very much."

"Well, I'll talk with them I'm sure we can get you released into my care soon enough."

"You don't have to-"

"Oh no, it's all right, I promise. Besides I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for myself. Megumi is strong but so far we only have one other first year registered, and she won't be joining us for at least a month." He grins down at me. "Lead the way, Y/N."

I chew my tongue nervously and step forward into the early morning sun. It feels weird when it's sunny and cold, but then again, today as a whole had been pretty strange.

I walk and he follows, talking my ear off about, well something, probably but it doesn't seem to have much substance.

This is weird.

God, what did I get myself into today?



I'm probably gonna do a time skip to around the time where Yuuji joins the story but since a couple people are actually reading this, if you have them, I would greatly appreciate any opinions you've got on this, good or bad.

This chapter was kind of jumbled but I do just want to say that I know she seems overly trusting but we're just gonna pin that on the fact that she just went through something traumatic, and these people saved her. Plus Gojo acts like a literal child and is the least threatening person ever when he isn't fighting so he'd be pretty easy to trust. Plus, since we're going with cliché ass tropes, this girl has nothing to lose.

(also sorry again for the extremely short chapter i'm not even gonna put a word count cause i'm ashamed, i'll be working on this over break tho so yay)



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