Chapter 7

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If I learned one thing from this experience, after a month of sleepless nights spent studying, days spent doing painstaking physical training beginning before the sun rose and not ending until it set. After countless pull ups, squats, and miles on miles of running under my belt, not to mention getting beat senseless twice a week by either Gojo or Fushiguro. Even after all that, if there is one thing I learned tonight. It's that Fushiguro is heavy.

Unconscious Fushiguro, at least. With his arms slung over my shoulders, the weapon Gojo had given me strategically tucked under his belt, and his jacket tied as tight as I could tie it around his abdomen, I had set out, walking the same path Gojo had taken us out here on. The church was in a rather rural area, surrounded by basically nothing but acres on acres of farm land and forests, the occasional run down shack, and some barns that I could barely see in the distance if I squinted.

I wish I would have timed how long it took to get out here, if I had to guess I would assume it was about a twenty-five to thirty minute walk from the small town that Ijichi had driven the three of us to, but I was slowed down significantly, not only by the unconscious body on my back, but also the throbbing sensation in my thigh every time my right foot made contact with the ground.

I wasn't too worried about cars. Fushiguro and I had been out here for about an hour, and we had seen one truck pass on the lonely gravel road cutting through the fields since we'd arrived, and it had been before we even crossed to the side of the road the church was on.

I stop for a moment, leaning as much of mine and my partner's weight as I could on my left foot, debating sitting down, but I know if I do that now I won't be able to make myself get back up, and I can't risk that. Not when mine is not the only life at stake. I take a deep breath, weighed down significantly by the pressure of Fushiguro's chest at my back, and start again limping down the empty street. I'm about ten meters away from the edge of the trees when I realize. Gojo wouldn't leave leave. Would he?

He has to be somewhere near, if not in the town on the other side of this forest, then the next one over, right? I dig around in the pocket of my uniform's skirt, face lighting up when I feel the familiar metal and glass device wrapped in my palm. I pull it out, only being able to see by the moonlight, I almost couldn't tell at first glance, but sure enough, the screen was shattered, cracked in ugly spiderwebs out from almost the dead middle. Shit, when did that happen?

With my last crumb of hope I try the power button, but the screen doesn't change or light up, and with that I'm left with three options.

Walk through that forest, with a 150 pound weight on my back, and risk passing out and/or being attacked. Give in to the pain in my back, thigh, and just about every other part of my body, and sit down on the side of this road, crossing my fingers Gojo has enough of a heart to come back for us of his own accord.


I stop and set the sorcerer down, flinching when he whimpers like a small dog as he meets the ground. After checking to see if he's awake, I sigh. "Sorry, Fushiguro," I whisper. "I promise I'd ask first if you weren't dying right now." I lean down and prop the top half of his body up as much as I could with my shoulder, and reaching my hand into his right pocket, I move over a little and check the left, praying that it wasn't in the pocket of the jacket tied around his wound. I find it quickly in his left pocket, taking it out to find it in good condition.

Tapping the screen and ignoring it's request for a password I click the Emergency Call button. Of course the lucky bastard made us memorize his phone number. I would have rather called Ijichi, if my phone was in tact, or if I would have been able to get into Fushiguro's, but I suppose beggars can't be choosers. The phone rings for so long I start to get nervous that the line will end, but right as I'm beginning to pull the phone away from my ear I hear a faint click and the ringing stops.

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