Chapter 11

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What the hell?

"Are you done here? We have somewhere to be."

It's strange, the way I had looked for him in my hallucination, he was my anchor to safety that day. But now, looking at him, his hand around my wrist, the cold, distant look in his eyes, safety isn't the first word that comes to mind.

Bitch. Bitch is the first word that comes to mind. Not that I would tell him that.

"Where are we going," I ask after he lets go of me, wiping my hands on my uniform's skirt. "Gojo sent me to retrieve something, a special grade cursed object, it was meant to be a simple mission but things got... complicated. He told me where to find you if I needed assistance."

"You lost it." He looks at me with his lip curled upward, "I did n-!" "Fushiguro Megumi! You lost a special grade cursed object and came to me for help finding it."

"Don't flatter yourself too much. I would've gotten one of the second years but they're all at Jujutsu Tech, you were close. And, it's daytime and we need to talk to a student. Panda and Inumaki would've been bad choices for obvious reasons, and Maki is... Maki." I nod in agreement and fall into step with his long strides, noting that he was clearly avoiding any form of conversation. "So," I start. "We haven't gone on a mission together in a while, huh?" "It hasn't been that long." He responds, the sharp tone in his voice clearly signifying that the conversation was over, whether I liked it or not.

"Well we haven't talked in a while either. We don't even train together anymore..." He cast me a glance out of the corner of his eye. "That's because it was too easy for me. You were the only one improving, so what was the point in me helping you if I wasn't getting anything out of it? You have Gojo and Maki for that. Let them do the charity work."

"Who do you-" "Oi!"

Fushiguro and I whip our heads around at the same time to see a tall boy in a brown uniform approaching us. No. No way he recognized me. I even used a different name, how the hell-

"I knew I recognized you from somewhere. You're Y/L/N, aren't you? And you're the pretty boy who stuck his nose into something that wasn't any of his business." Saito casts a slow look between me and Fushiguro, like an owl stalking it's pray.

"You know, Y/L/N, I've had teachers up my ass for months for that little stunt you pulled."

"Good, you deserve it."

"We don't have time for this, let's go." Fushiguro turns on his heel and starts to walk away, and I follow him, agreeing that Saito was less than worth the time and breath it would take to argue with him. "Hey!"

I hear a whoosh sound behind me. In the movies, the world falls into slow motion, sometimes it does for me too, when I'm fighting curses, or Inumaki in training, but now? Everything happens at full speed, and in a second I've whipped around and used the heel of my still aching palm to throw off the hand that was speeding towards the collar of Fushiguro's uniform. "Keep your filthy paws to yourself."

"Ha, you bitch. You're gonna regret that."

"Haven't we had this conversation before?" He growls and throws his fist in my direction, and I slide sideways, feeling his punch graze the air I occupied a split second before. "You know," he says, throwing another punch, that I dance around again. "I thought that you might've been seeing each other for the first time that day. But maybe you'd known each other for months before that? It's had my brain racked for some time since you little fuckers got me kicked off the team."

"You did that to yourself, Saito." I say, sliding around another punch. It's easy to move around now the halls are empty, the bell had rung minutes ago and any stragglers not in their classes didn't dare come down a hall occupied by two strange kids in dark clothes and a pissed off sociopath like Saito. It's strange, how easily I dodge his every hit. I've never done that before, his punches always landed on me, but now, it was like I was dancing on the balls of my feet, hands in my pockets, mimicking Gojo, even if I didn't intend to, my heels never hitting the ground, and him moving in clunky movements, leaving his face entirely open. He was so intimidating before, but now? He's a stupid bag of meat who has no idea what he's doing and no control over his own body.

I assume Fushiguro is making the same observations as he retreats to lean against the lockers and check the time on his phone. By the looks of it he's getting impatient, and I share the feeling. "Wrap this up please, Y/N. This mission is time sensitive." Saito sneers and throws another aimless punch. "Mission? Ha, you fuckers think you're so special don't you? Looking down on me? I'll kill you!" Fushiguro shoots me a look of boredom and I nod, understanding his message. Time to stop playing around.

Instead of narrowly dancing around his fist this time I snake my way around to the side of his body, wrapping my fingers around his wrist, but before I can move to throw him, twist his arm, or do anything harmful, a blood curdling scream erupts from his throat.

Fushiguro's eyes widen. "What did you do!?" I release Saito's arm and he crumples to the floor clutching it, still screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs. "I-I didn't do anything! I hardly touched him I don't know-" a door slams behind me and students rush out of classes from all directions. "I think this means it's time for us to go?" I say to Fushiguro, but he's thought three steps ahead and already has two hands on my shoulders, shoving me towards the nearest exit as crowds gather both around Saito and to try to stop Fushiguro and me from exiting the building.

"Agh-!" Saito's howling stops with a loud cracking sound, like a hammer hitting a plastic plate, then it resumes, impossibly louder as his arm shatters from the inside.

The door gets closer as Fushiguro shoves me, my arms already out to push it open. The slam behind us stops the agonizing cries and the outside is silent.

Then we begin to run.

1085 Words


Genuinely I hope that you guys can forgive me I'm in the process of moving at the moment, so I've been having to clean around the house and clean my nightmare of a room because inspectors and movers are going to be coming in the next couple weeks, plus finals week is soon and I'm busting my ass studying.

So anyways if anyone else is struggling studying I hope this helped you destress, remember to be taking breaks and taking care of yourselves, and I'm so proud of you all no matter what :)

Okay thats all for today folks, I hope you enjoyed, leave a vote and a follow if you're feeling generous? (spare food pls feed the poor. *its me i'm the poor and the food is votes*)

Have an amazing day besties I love you all MWAH!


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