Chapter 3

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I think I might've fallen unconscious for a minute or two, and mentally kicked myself for it when my eyes opened heavily, an uncomfortable ill feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was on the floor, propped up between a row of lockers and a wall. I could hear quiet voices around the corner.

" I even tell her..."

"She saw the..."

"...didn't see the look in her eyes..."

It was undoubtedly the boy with the spiky hair from earlier, though the other voice belonged to somebody I have yet to meet. I shift slightly to see if I'm stable enough to stand, I feel a weight push beneath my palm the moment it leaves the floor, replacing the cold of the tile with something warm and soft. I look down and see a large animal, my palm taking up such a small portion of the space between it's ears that it almost didn't look real. I remove my hand and reel it back, accidentally slamming my elbow into the locker, wincing as I hit my funny bone. The voices stop at the loud banging sound it produces.

The large, dog-like animal simply tilts it's head at me curiously and sits down, attempting to lean in to lay it's head on my lap. I move away again slightly. Are dogs even allowed in here? It isn't that I don't like dogs. I love them, I even asked my parents for years on end to get me one of my own, but when the "dog" is nearly bigger than I am, and has a suspicious red symbol imbedded in the white fur of it's forehead, sorry, I feel inclined to lean away.

"He won't hurt you, sorry, I know he's intimidating." The animal's mouth fell open into a dopey, as-much-as-a-dog-can-manage smile at the boys voice. I look up and the dog takes its opportunity to flop it's head down on my leg. I flinch back and reluctantly place my hand back between the creature's ears, scratching lightly and earning a white blur as it's tail begins sliding back and forth like a wind shield wiper.

I look up and see the boy I've met a couple times before, a bandage across the bone under his left eye, and a bit of dirt and some bruises spattered his face, but other than that, he looked the same as the day we'd met.

Next to him, a taller man who I would assume was older if not for the dopey grin on his young looking face, not that I could much discern what he looked like with a black blindfold covering the upper half of his features. The thing that was really confusing was the stark white hair dancing from his scalp.

Trying to understand began giving me a headache, so I release the topic for the time being.

At the sight of my brow scrunching in pain the younger boy squats down in front of me and hands me a plastic bottle of water. I don't take into consideration that taking water from a random stranger is probably a bad idea, and down it. I want my voice to be strong, I want my thoughts to be clear. I want to understand what the hell I had seen.

"What the fuck." I hadn't necessarily meant for those to be the first words I said, but I wasn't in much of a state to be filtering the thoughts coming into my head from spilling from my lips.

The boy blinked a couple of times and looked up from his position in front of me on the floor or look at the taller man behind him, who only shrugged. He rolled his eyes like he had been expecting the reply and sighed, turning back to me. "Why were you here?"

My eyes narrow and I feel anger flare up inside me, before pushing it back down. Deja Vu hit me like a truck. It was the same as the day we had first met. Looking into his stupid blue eyes and pretending I wasn't infuriated by something stupid he'd said. The worst part is both times, his words had been genuine. He hadn't even known why the things he was saying were so dumb and something about that ignorance made me a little disappointed in myself for getting so angry at him. At the same time, it only fueled the heat of my rage more.

"This is a school. I was going to school."

I hear a light snort from the white haired man and I turn my gaze to him. Upon seeing- seeing? -my glare, he falls quiet, mouth pressing into a thin line.

"We evacuated an hour ago, there should've been cops at every entrance to campus." Oh. Yeah, maybe this one was on me. "I don't come in through a main entrance, the campus is huge, and there's a break in the fence on the west side of the campus. It's closer to my place so I just come in through there." My anger simmers out into embarrassment and a little bit of fear.

I turn my eyes both directions down the hall, but there was no evidence of anything out of the ordinary other than the three beings in front of me. If they weren't here I may have thought I was going crazy, or that it was just a dream.

But they were here, and so being, I was denied that freedom and relief. This was real, this was happening. What I saw, whatever that thing was that I'm assuming they were here to kill, it was real. I could have died. What if there are more things like that. What if are more just in this school right now?

No, this is so much worse than any nightmare.

But hey, it might give my subconscious brain ideas for some new ones.

The boy noticed my frantic, glazed eyes as I was lost in thought and muttered, "Hey, its gone. You're safe." I look back to him, but remain silent.

He hands me the lanyard with my school ID on it that he had probably taken off when I'd passed out so it didn't strangle me. "Y/L/N," he read. "I'm Fushiguro, this is Gojo-sensei." So I was right about him being older. At least my brain is still functioning at least a little.

"And what you saw earlier," he cast a side-eyed glance to Gojo before continuing. "...Is called a curse."


1021 Words

So first - I just want to say thank you everyone who voted or commented cause its so wildly motivating you guys have no idea. School is whooping my ass at the moment so I'm sorry if updates are delayed but I'll do my best to get one out at least once a week.

Second - I'm sorry this took so long to get out I swear I've been writing for like four days I just couldn't figure out how to put my ideas for this chapter into words in a way that sounded good, so once again, sorry if this is a little jumbled or messy feeling.

(Also idk if it's just me but it feels so weird to me writing "sensei" or any Japanese formality suffixes and things, I'm not sure if it's because I'm writing in English or what but its so weird lmao.)

Okay having said all that thank you so much for reading I hope you have an amazing day/night! :)


(PS sorry about the short chapters I'll work on that too lmao)

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