Chapter 9

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I nearly choke on the laugh that bubbles in my throat, trying to hold it back for Gojo's sake. The car rumbles loudly while I click my seatbelt into place. "Yeah, right. I've been going on life threatening missions, and nearly dying at every turn on purpose because...? Yeah, I'm lost." Gojo gives me a deadpan look then returns to picking at his cuticles nonchalantly, "I don't mean consciously. I mean that something in your brain is afraid to use that cursed technique of yours. I just don't know what. I've been trying to figure it out quietly for the past couple of weeks, sending on missions with scarier curses, to places where there were more people, even sending you in completely alone, without a weapon."

I shut my eyes at the small headache that follows the memory. I had nearly died that day, nearer than usual. Inumaki had been the one to hear about the incident and rush over.

"Is this just one big game of trial and error?" He perks up in his seat and grins at me. "Yes! I knew you'd get it Y/N." I roll my eyes at his antics and feel the tug of that thread in the back of my mind, the question threatening to burn a hole through my skull like acid, but I'm almost afraid to ask. "So... if we've tried all of those things, and they didn't work, what makes you think this mission will? And why did you tell me now out of all the times you could have?"

"Well as for the reason I told you, I thought it was common courtesy, and you've got to know by now that I'm a terrible liar. Well... to my students at least. I never could stand withholding the truth from Megumi, even when he was young." He sees me staring from across the backseat of the speeding car and clears his throat, returning to the original subject. "And why I think this is going to work...? Well, you'll see when we get there." He leans back in his seat and starts humming annoyingly loudly, I lean my head against the window, ignoring the way the bumps in the roar cause it to lift and thud back against the glass softly.

I manage to zone out of his humming just enough to focus on not getting motion sick, watching the pavement rush by beneath the car, never giving my eyes a second to adjust. Eventually I started to feel like I was falling, or spinning, or maybe both, and opted to close my eyes altogether.

After what I thought was only a blink I pull out my phone and check the time. Oh God...

Where the hell is this idiot taking me? We've been in this car for an hour.

As if on cue the car shudders to a stop, the comfortable rumbling of the engine quieting to a stop. "Here we are," Gojo announces, already on his way out of the vehicle. I click off my seatbelt and lift my head to look out the window.


Gojo's smile doesn't falter, which means he'd obviously been expecting this reaction. "Come on, Y/N. Get out of the car, you'll be fine." I shake my head and reach back to put my seatbelt back on. "Ijichi, start the car." The man in the driver's seat casts a terrified look between my teacher and me, taking less than a second to decide to remove his hands from the wheel entirely, and place them on his lap, offering me a quiet, "sorry, Y/N."

I'm halfway through an eye roll when I feel a grip around my elbow, not hard by any means, but one I know I'm not getting out of.

"No, nonononononono!" I stumble as I'm dragged out of the car, receiving many strange looks from my old classmates. I doubt they recognize me, I'd cut a good few inches off of my hair, after an unfortunate incident with Maki and a blade that was way too sharp for her to be using in training, and in contrast to the (rather boring) white and brown uniforms the students at my old school wore, I was decked head to toe in black fabric, gold buttons, and thick boots to protect my feet from anything sharp. There is also no doubt that just the overall energy I give off is different. Despite how quickly Jujutsu Tech had prompted me to grow strong, at this school, I was quiet, didn't have any friends, yet somehow still didn't receive high grades. I preferred to analyze people, watching their moves, peeking inside their brains through whatever information I could gather, how they spoke, what they said, every detain, down to which side they leaned to when they walk.

Now however, walking at the side of the 190 centimeter man with bright white hair, dressed in an intense black outfit, my back straight and chin up, (though there is a chance it looked more indignant than confident, due to the arm around my wrist,) and strides even despite Gojo's incessant tugging on my arm every few second, clearly trying to make me trip, I looked powerful. I felt powerful. But it didn't change the fact that I do not want to be here.

I grind my teeth and pull my arm away from him, and luckily, he doesn't fight me, releasing me to stuff his hands back into their usual places in his pockets. "So, why hasn't the school been evacuated?" I ask in a low tone. It isn't necessarily a rule that we don't tell non-sorcerers about cursed spirits, but it is safer. "Why would they do that?"

"Curses, Sensei. Curses is why."

"Oh, no there isn't a curse here." I look at him up he keeps his eyes straight ahead. What is he- oh no. "Where do you think you're going?" He removes his hand from his pocket, and in it, is a folded piece of paper, unfolding it and flicking it way too aggressively, sending a smirk my way. "Room B113, I guess you'll know where that is, hm?" I sigh, knowing I'm not going to win this argument and point to my right without even needing to look. "B building. This way." I start walking a little in front of him and he allows me to take the lead.

"Listen, can you at least tell me what you're going to make me do today?" He sighs dramatically. "Y/N, must you be so skeptical of my surprises?" "The first time you surprised me it was with the fact that I was a sorcerer. The time after that was with adopting me." "Well, technically, Principal Yaga is your legal guardian because he didn't trust me to adopt another kid, but oh well."

I roll my eyes and stop just in front of the tall blue door to the homeroom class, crossing my arms and planting my feet.

"Now tell me what we're doing here."


1201 Words

Hey besties.....

This is awkward,

Isn't it.


Honestly I've had like no motivation to do literally anything BUT I'M BACK WITH LOTS OF PLANS FOR THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS :D

Also... There just might be something important happening with Megumi during these next few chapters while they're apart... but you'll just have to find that out, won't you :)

That's all I have to say so yeah if you would like to I'd really appreciate a vote and recommend following if you like the story to get notified whenever I update, (because as of now, my uploading schedule is absolute ass)



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