Chapter 8

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Somehow, Fushiguro managed to distance himself even more from me after that day. After about a week in the hospital he was released and ready to continue school and work as if he'd never been injured in the first place. Half of me tries to wonder how many times something like this will happen to me, but the other half is too afraid. My leg heals faster than expected, thanks to Ieiri and her reversed cursed technique.

For the next stretch of weeks after we're both better, I only ever see Fushiguro during meals, and occasionally in the halls when we both happen to be out of our dorms that are placed inconveniently close together. Any combat training I do is with the second years, which mostly consists of Maki attempting to train me to use cursed weapons the way that she can. In any spare time I have I'm studying, going on missions, working out individually, or, on the rare occasion that he's free, training with Gojo.

Today, apparently, was not one of those days. My day had been mostly spent, working nearly non stop from the time the sun rose, to now seeing it dip down beneath some of the further buildings on Jujutsu Tech's campus.

I feel the air leave my lungs and sputter loudly as I fly towards the ground, trying to use my elbows to break my fall. I was on the track to hit the ground back first, but was able to slide back in the grass with nothing but a mud stained uniform and some rug burns on my elbow to show for it. I look up when I finally stop moving and am met with a disappointed look from Maki.

"You were doing so good too." I laugh under the little breath still in my lungs and take her outstretched hand, letting her help me stand. "Sorry, I got distracted," she rolled her shoulders and held her staff out in the same position as mine, "I noticed. Are sunsets really that captivating to you?" I smile a bit and she returns it. We're just on the brink of tired, but enough so that the fights are now leaning on the casual side over real intense training. "Honestly, not usually. I'm just thinking about these past couple months. I feel like I'm a different person, like this is a different life, but at the same time, it feels like almost nothing has happened. It happened so fast, you know?"

She nodded and we began making our way back towards the bath house, her arms pop as she stretches one over her head with a yawn. "Yeah, I get it. You've improved quickly though, but I still can't believe that blindfolded bastard had you train with Megumi for so long, though." I look over at her out of the corner of my eye and tilt my head curiously. "Why's that?" A smile ghosts over her lips and she replies, "I'm not saying he's not a good fighter, but he definitely isn't a good teacher. He's too dense and moody, most of your 'training' with him was just him beating you to a pulp, was it not?" I cringe at the memory of the sounds of my joints popping as he flipped me over his shoulder, the bruised ribs and bleeding fists ringing in my ears and dancing on the insides of my eyelids.

"Yeah. You're right, but I think there was something else." "What's that?" I laugh and rub the back of my neck nervously, "I know it sounds childish but... I don't think Fushiguro likes me very much. Not that I really care or anything, but having a partner who wasn't so cold to me all the time would be nice. Especially since we're the only first years."

Maki holds the door to the bath house open for me and takes off her glasses as they begin to fog. "If it makes you feel better, I'm not sure if Megumi necessarily likes anyone very much. Though, now that you mention it I guess he has seemed pretty on edge the past couple of months. I have a guess what might be going on, but I can't say for sure how he's feeling. I think your best bet would be to just talk to him about it if it bothers you. Megumi is an understanding guy." I sigh and nod with a quiet, "you're right."

The next morning I can practically hear my bones creak as I get out of bed, the constant state of post-workout soreness is something I never thought I'd get used to, but recently, I've adjusted to it. I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when I hear a loud bang on my door. "It's open!" I say around a mouth full of minty foam, before spitting and rinsing it down the porcelain sink. The lock on my door clicks and I step out into my bedroom. The Maki-proclaimed "Blindfolded Bastard" is in my doorway, sporting his usual annoying grin, his hair was down and a blue pair of glasses was sitting low on his nose, which meant he wasn't here to send me on a mission. "What do you want?" I say, moving past him to my closet to get my uniform.

He leans against my doorframe and crosses his arms either oblivious or ignoring the fact that I was clearly too tired to deal with him so early into the day. "We're training together off campus today, lets go." I nod "Alright, let me change real quick I'll be right down." He nods, and seeing the curious look I cast his way says, "I want to try and help you tap into your cursed technique."

"I thought I didn't have one? We tried in every spare second we had for the first month I was here, then we just stopped. I thought that meant that we were giving up?" He gave me a determined look and turned to leave. "I never give up on my students, Y/N, you should know this by now." I roll my eyes and walk back into the bathroom to change, taking only a couple of minutes to do so before following him into the hall and shutting the door behind me.

Gojo leads me out of the building and along a path down the hill, telling me about something Nanami said that hurt his feelings, or something along those lines. I breathe in the crisp morning air deeply, feeling rather comfortable in the cold weather with my current attire. The walk is rather peaceful aside from my teacher's loud babbling and complaining, but as we get closer to the base of the hill he begins to explain how today's training will go.

"We've worked together plenty on controlling and focusing your cursed energy, and close combat. Plus we had you work with Fushiguro a few times, which should have at least provoked some desire within your subconscious to use your cursed technique, same with you going on missions to exercise curses, which is what led me to the conclusion I reached yesterday."

I follow him into the car and shut the door behind me as he leans forward and whispers our destination to Ijichi. "And what might that be?"

He looks at me and smiles widely, looking all too smug and proud of himself.

"You've been holding yourself back on purpose."


1233 Words

Oops sorry for disappearing for eight days lol. Like I said in the past couple chapters I've been really sick and my ears were super pressurized which was giving me insane migraines. Like I could barely even leave my bed.

Anyways I feel better now and I had lots of time to feed some ideas for these next few chapters, I'm not sure if I've said this but I know what I want the broad plot of this story to be and I know how it's going to play out, and how long it will take to do so, but I might take a while to figure out some details so if chapters are coming slow just know its cause I care about putting out quality stuff, (or I'm literally on the brink of death with illness but that's neither here nor there,) especially since people are actually reading this on a much bigger scale than I expected, I want to keep pushing out the best work I can produce.

Okay that was sappy and gross so now I'm gonna crush your hearts:

There's not gonna be too much Megumi content for the next couple of chapters. Yes he will be in them because this is a Megumi story but it also deeply scars my soul when people give their Y/N characters zero development or plot of their own outside of their love interest, so as somebody who wouldn't enjoy reading that content, it's obviously not what I want to be writing.

Also it is currently one in the morning so sorry if the chapter is a little word vomit-y.

Alright that was an unnecessarily long authors note, like I said I'm delirious so I'm rambling.



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