Chapter 1

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~Potions Class~

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~Potions Class~

*Each chapter has a song at the top so start it when there "start song"

Quinn Alvarado

"I just don't understand" Briar sighed, "Why don't you just tell him that you like him?"

I only rolled my eyes at her and threw my legs up onto Apollo's lap from beside me. The sound of the Hogwarts's Express taking off filled our tiny compartment making it hard to hear. "Because Adrian Pucey is a sixth year. I'm sure he has way better options than a fifth year that he danced with once at the Yule Ball."

Apollo raised his eyebrows at me, "It seemed like a little more than dancing from how I remember it..."

A light blush creeped onto my cheeks at the memory of his lips against mine in the third floor bathroom. "It was just some light snogging"

Briar and Apollo both exchanged a look before looking back at me, "Alright Quinn" They said at the same time.

It always freaked me out when they did that. Apollo and Briar always seemed to be on the same wavelength since we became friends in first year.

Briar was the first one I met. After being sorted into Ravenclaw I sat down at the table and she wasted no time before introducing herself to me and claiming we would be best friends. It seems she was right in that sense. She was the sun to my moon and never failed to see the good in every situation. It was refreshing.

We both met Apollo in our common room that very same night. The next day he received a detention ten minutes into potions class for pushing a kid to the floor after they called Briar a mudblood.

Apollo took daddy issues to the next level. Most summers he spent with me in fear of being at the hands of his father's wrath again. It was no secret to anyone that messing with Apollo meant being on the receiving end of his own fist. But underneath his icy exterior, there was just a kid who needed to be shown what real love was like.

I always thought that Briar and Apollo would make a good match, but every time I brought it up they'd just look at me like I was crazy. In Briar's words, 'We're just friends Quinn. It's never going to happen'.

"Anyways" Briar started, folding her hands in her lap. "I've heard that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is some short cat lady. That should be interesting don't you think?"

I shrugged and picked at my nails, "As long as it's not Snape I'll be happy"

"Good point" Apollo agreed, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

Silence filled the compartment once more as everyone decided to get some rest before arriving at Hogwarts. It had always been nice to simply be in my best friend's presence. They never failed to ease the fire that burned deep in my heart.

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