Chapter 39

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~The Day it All Fell Apart~

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~The Day it All Fell Apart~

"Have fun alright? But not too much fun. I don't need mini Briar's or Apollo's to worry about" I instructed as Apollo stood in the living area.

It was barely two months into vacation and Apollo and Briar couldn't wait any longer before seeing each other. Love does weird things to people.

"I am not going to be talking to you about this" Apollo blinked with a bag in his hands, "Plus it's just for the week and then you'll have me back to bother you"

I laughed as Dad walked into the room. "You're leaving me alone with one kid? And it's the crazy one too!"

My mouth dropped open, "I'm your child!"

"That's how I know you're the crazy one"

Apollo just laughed and gave us both hugs, Dad first and me second. "Write me if you need anything alright?" He said looking down at me.

"Stop being a busy body. We'll be just fine" I snorted, pushing him out the door.

I knew why he was so worried, and it wasn't because of me. This past week Dad has been out of it. There were some moments when I looked over to see him staring at his hands, mind a million miles away.

Yesterday was the worst of all.

None of us said anything about it. The fact that 7 years ago as of yesterday, we lost a mother and a wife. If there was one day in the year that I hated most, it was that one. It was an unspoken thing for us all to just go sit in the living room with a pot of coffee last night, to just be in each other's presence.

The look in his eyes during that time made me want to cave in on myself. Not a day passed where my father didn't feel the torture of being apart from his wife. I remembered their love well. The way that the two always sat by each other, his arm around her shoulder, the way they smiled and laughed with the other.

His other half had been gone for 7 years because of his own child.

"Hey" Apollo whispered as we stepped outside. "I'm not kidding. You just need to talk and I'll be here in less than an hour okay?"

Nodding my head and throwing on a lopsided smile, I shooed him away. "Got it. Now go have fun" 

He hesitated but eventually sighed and apparated out of the front lawn, leaving me standing there alone. "Hey kid, you ready for dinner?" Dad called from the door catching my attention.

I turned towards him with a smile and nodded before we walked inside and sat at the table. We immediately began eating, not saying much as we did. He still had that same distant look in his eyes from this week.

"Hey dad, you doing okay?" I asked looking at him, then down at my plate, then up again.

His eyebrows furrowed at my words, "Me? Of course. You don't have to worry about me sweetheart, I'm doing just fine. In fact, I've been better now that you're home for the summer"

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