Chapter 01

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               The clothes on her were still wet but somehow she was not aware of that. The night caught her walking aimlessly like a mad person on the city streets. She was physically exhausted and mentally consumed.

She stopped at a crosswalk. Even though she had enough time to cross, she decided to wait, to rest her feet for a few minutes. She was too tired to pay attention around her. When the traffic light turned red someone pushed her in front of a van.

She wasn't hit hard but because her body was weak it was enough to make her fall. She had lost consciousness only once in her life until now. This was the second time. She was drifting away when she felt a scent of perfume and someone lifted her up.

          - Leave me here. - she murmured with her last powers.

When she regained consciousness she didn't open her eyes immediately. She realized that she was in a bed. It's been a long time since she knew this kind of comfort. She felt the same scent of perfume as before. When she opened her eyes the reality hit her, she was in the hospital. The person who was seating in a chair next to her bed got up and leaned a little towards her.

          - How are you? - he asked her gently.

          - I need to go. - she said to herself.

She wanted to get up but a chain reaction was triggered in all her body. The pain almost put her back in bed. She gathered all the strength and courage that was left in her and stood up. She put on her boots. With difficulty but she still could move. The person next to her was taken by surprise for a moment.

          - You can't live. You need lot of rest. - he told her while he was following her.

          - Just watch me.

          - Hey crazy, a few hours ago you jumped in front of a van...

          - I didn't jump in front of the van. - she interrupted him.

          - Anyhow you can't leave. You are in a bad condition.

          - It's none of your business. Leave!

          - I brought you to the hospital.

          - You should have left me on the street.

          - You are impolite.

          - I have my reasons.

They were in the big hall when she saw a group of five people who were just entering.

          - He found me. Leave! Now!

          - Don't move! - shouted one of them while they drew their weapons.

          - Fuck!

          - It's valid for you too. - he told him.

          - Leave him alone. He has nothing to do with this.

          - I'm so pissed of, my darling. You know very well, love, that when I'm angry I can't behave nicely. You see, when I pushed you in front of the van my plan was to take you with me but this pretty boy here ruined my plan. So my love, you can understand why I am so furious. She is Alex. Just so you know. At first sight she is another nobody from the crowd but she is amazing. When I first saw her something drew me like crazy to her. At first I didn't understand what. Then I realized it was her stubbornness to defy me. This is annoying but it drives me insane. I couldn't help myself and fell in love with her.

          - You sick fuck. - she said mockingly.

          - Now you understand? My dear, it's not nice to talk like that. - and hit her over the mouth. - And as I said I fell in love with her and this so pleasant feeling made me want to dominate her. It made me want to break her spirit and turn her into my pet as a reward for awakening these wonderful feelings in me. Then after I get bored I will turn her into a rag because she had the audacity to ignore me. The fact that I haven't succeeded so far makes everything much more interesting and exciting. Now that I've told you who she is, you should introduce yourself so she can find out who you are. - he turned his gun towards him.

          - My name is Jong and I am...

          - Stop torturing people in vain. - she stepped in front of the gun, protecting him with her body. - Those around you have no fault in that you are a sick crazy monster.

          - You should not talk to me like that. It hurts my feelings. I will forgive you this time. - he said joyfully. - You know how much I like to see you crawl on your knees in front of me. - and he shot a warning fire in Jong’s direction. - So what are you waiting for? On your knees my love.

She knew him well enough to know that he would hurt someone if she didn't do what he asked her. Alex put her hands on her head and dropped to her knees.

          - Uh what a sight! Your image makes me so horny that I want to take you right here right now.

          - You are so disgusting. You make me puke. Do you want something or you'll bore me to death?

He kicked her and Alex fell to one side. From the position she was in, she saw that Jong intended to help her but she made a discreet nod to him not to.

          - I just realized that I will not achieve my goal alone and that I will need help so I want you two to hook up.

          - No way! - she stood up

          - I didn't allow you to stand up!

          - I don't give a shit. Just shoot me and let's end it right here and right now.

          - My darling, I cannot let you get away so easily but I can shoot him. I can find a replacement anytime. Any of them can fall in love with you. When people fall in love they commit the most atrocious things in the name of it. - and pointed once more the gun at Jong.

          - Stop pointing the gun at him. - she shielded him again with her body.

          - From this moment you two will be inseparable until I decide otherwise. And my darling, if you decide to become altruistic and take your own life I will find him and I will kill him. Guys we are done here. We are leaving.

She waited until she saw them no more and left the hospital. He followed her. He walked behind her. When she found a place where she thought no one could see her, she collapsed and began to cry.

At first he had no intention to go to her. He was upset for what happened. But he knew that she was the biggest victim. He didn't want to know how scared she was. He knew for sure she was very scared that's why she was crying so hard. However, she remained calm and did what was necessary to save him. Yet he could not figure out why him. For a moment he thought that she would have done the same for anyone but recapitulating what happened he changed his mind. He was standing and looking at her for a few minutes, after he dismissed all the questions that came up into his mind, he went to her and took her in his arms.

Alex let him. She put her head on his shoulder and she just cried.

          - You should have left me on the street.

          - No way.

He let her cry until she lost her breath and waited patiently until she recovered it. After that he helped her to stand up.

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