AoC!Link X Reader | When the Battle's Over

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     (Y/N) smiled gently as she sat with Link. They were surrounded on all sides by flowers. Pink ones, blue ones, purple ones. No matter what your favorite color was there was a bud that would satisfy you. She weaved them together, glancing at her mute love.

      "Are you sure you only want the blue flowers in your crown?"

      Link nodded, leaning his head on your shoulder, arms wrapped around your waist, as he watched. It was one of his rare off days and he had decided to take (Y/N) on a picnic. He exhaled quietly.

      "What's wrong, love?"

      Link shrugged and pulled at the bright green blades of grass. His mutism was frustrating at times, especially when he wanted to speak. Sometimes he hated when she would say she loves him because he could never say it back. It felt unfair to her. 

      "Are you upset you can't talk?"

       He glanced at her, blue eyes apologetic, and nodded.

      (Y/N) giggled, "Link. I know you love me. I don't need to hear you say it for it to be true." She turned and kissed the tip of his nose lightly before looking back down at the flower crown she was weaving for him.

      Link furrowed his brow and pouted slightly. He desperately willed himself to say anything, even just her name. He wanted to speak for her. Alas, it was all futile and he knew it. He neglected it for so long his voice would never return. Crying was another thing he couldn't do, no matter how much he may have willed himself to. He simply couldn't. Link figured it was a good thing, though. After all, his life was flooded with light thanks to (Y/N).

      "Link," the girl giggled, "Please let go so I can put this crown on your head."

      The boy blinked his eyes a few times before complying and releasing the strong, protective grip he had placed around his girlfriend. Sorry, he thought.

      (Y/N) turned their body to face Link and raised the delicate crown to his golden hair. She smiled when it complimented his eyes and sighed, love struck once again. "You're so pretty."

      Link looked at her. Her (h/c) hair blowing softly in the breeze and the (f/f) flower crown he had crafted for her sat upon her head. Her (e/c) eyes seemed fo sparkle in the rays of the sun. In that moment Link couldn't even think. Her beauty mesmerized him to the point it was only her in his mind.

      "Oh! Link, I made you some of my honey candies." (Y/N) said as she reached info her small basket of foods. "I know you said you wanted to treat me today but you're too cute and happy when you eat these and I want to see that happy face as much as I can."

      Link tilted his head. What did she mean by that?

      "Oh, silly. I'm not going anywhere, it's just that you'll be so busy when the Calamity hits that I'm sure there will be a few weeks we won't be able to see each other." (Y/N) pulled a large bag of the sweets out of her bag and handed it to him.

     Link nodded slowly as he unwrapped one of the sweet candies and popped it in his mouth. She had a point actually. They would get separated from each other when the Calamity hits and those few weeks would be so, so hard for him.

      "Don't you fret, though, my dear knight," (Y/N) added cheerfully when she saw his worried expression. "I promise I'll stay safe."

     Link smiled and nodded his head, swallowing the  candy before kissing his sweet (Y/N) on the lips.


      Link swallowed hard as he knelt beside a smooth stone with (f/f)s littered around it. He replayed the events of the past month in his head, berating himself for not doing something to prevent her death. Somewhere along the line the Calamity had wiped dozens of towns clear of people and though it was only a small percentage of the people in Hyrule it managed to snag the one person that mattered most to the hero. In this sense, Ganon had won. He wanted to destroy his enemies and poor Link was utterly and completely defeated. He'd spend all his time lying in bed, reminiscing on all the things he had done with (Y/N) and thinking of all the things they wouldn't be able to do. If he wasn't doing that, he was collecting things to offer her grave, to make sure her spirit knew he would never let go.

      Zelda and the Champions had tried to help him but he shoved them all away. Anyone who spoke to him always said he wasn't sad but simply empty. His blue eyes had dulled into more of a grey and his skin was a ghastly pale due to his lack of contact with the sun.

      I guess, without his source of light, his heart was doomed to roam in darkness.

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