OoT!Link X Reader | Star Gazing

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Requested by: @Polli2123


"Link," I muttered, moving across the grassy fields of Hyrule. "We can't just stop here. Stalchildren might come out."

"No, they won't," he replied quietly, dismounting Epona and reaching a hand out to help me down.

"What about the Poe?"

"They'll get scared away when we look at them. Now, c'mon."

Hesitantly, I took his hand and slid off Epona's back, landing gracefully besides my boyfriend. "Fine. What is it you wanted to show me?"

He smiled, walking us a small distance from Epona and sat down, patting the spot next to him.

"Link, my tunic will get dirty."

"I bought you a spare, remember? Besides, I'll wash it for you." When I didn't move he tugged on my hand. "Please? You'll like it."

I sighed, smiling. "Fine." I sat besides him and as soon as I did he lied on his back.

"Lie down."

"Why? You still haven't told me what we're doing."

"Trust me."

Rolling my eyes, I complied, lacing my fingers with his to show I wasn't actually upset.

"Now. Look up."

I turned my gaze upwards, stars gleaming proudly in the night sky. I haven't seen them in forever. I searched desperately, seeking out all the constellations, naming them once they were found. The familiar shapes sending waves of nostalgia through me. I haven't seen these since I was a kid. When Ganon took over the skies had been completely smothered in dark clouds.

I stared at the glimmering specks for a while until Link's stare became unavoidable. I turned my heart, gazing into his crystal blue eyes, smiling.


He chuckled lightly, staring back into my own eyes. "(Y/N)... we met under these stars. Roughly a year ago."

"Eight. You were trapped within the Temple of Time for seven, remember?"

He blushed, the moon illuminating his features. "Yes, that's... what I meant. Anyway, you remember, right? It was a full moon. Almost all the people in Castle Town were asleep... You had snuck out to watch the stars and I had just gotten back from sneaking through the castle."

I laughed, turning back to face the stars. "Yes. Of course I remember that. Actually, now that I think about it, we were both real trouble makers, huh?"

"Yeah," he let out a laugh. "You're right."

We lied there, giggling for a moment before we calmed down, the chirping of crickets taking over.

"But um," he cleared his throat and sat up, motioning for me to do the same. "There's a reason I wanted to take you out here. To see the stars."

I hummed, tilting my head, "And why's that?"

He reached into his pocket and gripped something tightly in his hands. "(Y/N) (L/N). With the blessings of the Goddess Hylia and the stars that have watched over us since our first meeting... Will you marry me?" He moved his hands, showing me a small yet beautiful ring. It was made with what looked like obsidian for the band with a topaz to top it off. The way it was crafted looked like the yellow gem was growing into the obsidian.

I covered my mouth. "Link... Yes! Of course! I would love to!" Tears sprung to my eyes as I clasped his hands in mine, trapping the ring in place, and leaned forwards kissing him. "I... I thought you'd never ask."

He kissed me back, tears running from his own eyes. "And I thought you'd never say yes."

I laughed weakly, looking down as he slid the ring onto my finger, running his roughed up fingers across it.

"It's gorgeous," I breathed. "What's the symbolism?" Link loved symbolism, especially after he came back from getting his Master Sword.

    "It's cheesy."

    "Say it."

     He glanced at me and I gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes I could muster.

    "Fine, fine. The topaz is you, spreading light into my world when it was dark..."

     I grinned, "Aww. Link, you softie!"

    He blushed, giving me the gentlest of shoves, "Shut up."

    "But I'm r-"

    He pressed his lips to mine, pulling away after a fee indulgent moments. "I love you."

     I laughed, completely forgetting what I had been saying before, leaning in to kiss him again. "I love you too."

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