BOTW!Link X Reader | How Could You?

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     "How could you do that?"

     "Look," Link pulled at his blonde hair, "If you would just let me-"

     "No." I turned to him. I wasn't mad, just confused and betrayed. My friend, Zelda, who attended the party last night informed me about how Link... kissed Paya. According to her it seemed more like a 'make out sesh' but... he wouldn't go that far, right?

     "Love, please let me-"

     "Don't pull that 'love' bullshit on me, Mr." I glared, waving my finger at him. "You're the one who made out with Impa's granddaughter. You do not get to call me 'love'."

     He shook, distress clear in his eyes, "(Y/N)-"

     I huffed, cutting him off and pinching the bridge of my nose. "Get out."


     "I said get out. This is my house."

     He stepped towards me, closer than I wanted him to get to me. Before if would have been fine but not after he's done what he's done. "Link." I warned, pulling my arms up in front of me.

     He reached out, gently grabbing my hands. "Please-"

     I yanked my self away. "Fine! If you won't leave I will. Good bye, have a great night! Why don't you go make out with Paya, huh?! Obviously you love her more anyway!"

"(Y/N)! No, please..."

I slammed the door behind me and ran off behind the house to where I kept my lovely horse, Blizzard.

"C'mon, boy. We're going for a ride."

He huffed, turning his body so I could mount him. Once on I kicked gently at his sides, leading him away from the newly rebuilt Castle Town and towards the sacred grounds, which were still in ruins. Technically, no ones allowed here but I don't care. I've snuck over here plenty of times in the past.

Once we arrived I picked a few apples from a tree and placed them down for Bluzzard. I then sat by the water, resting my chin on my knees as I wrapped my arms around them. I sighed. This was a really shit day.

     I stared at the sunset reflecting in the water as it lapped gently at the gravel surrounding it. It was calming. Emphasis on "was" because of two white haired Sheikah women walking up behind me.

     "Hello, Impa. Paya," I muttered, nodding my head. "Why are you here?"

     I could see Paya struggling against her grandmothers harsh grip on her arm through the reflection of the water. "Lady Impa, please I-"

     "Shush, Paya. You know you did something wrong and you're going to apologize right this instant. You've already embarrassed me enough on this visit. Don't make me regret bringing you with me."

     The girl, who was probably a year younger than Link and I sighed, "Lady (Y/N).... I apologize."

     I huffed, "Is that so?"

     Impa nodded her head, urging the girl on. "Isn't there more, Paya?"

     "But..." She earned herself another glare and glanced down. "I'm deeply sorry, (Y/N). I have liked Link for a long time and did not take into account that me already found love in you. I..." she trailed off. "Please do not be upset with Master Link. I was the one who kissed him but he didn't kiss back. It was completely my fault and I stepped out of line."

     Huh. So Link didn't kiss Paya. It was completely one sided and from this girl. I sighed. "It better not happen again."

     Paya gulped and nodded quickly, "I promise you, Lady (Y/N). I will not ever do such a thing!"


     Impa sighed, pulling her kin away, turning towards me for a moment, "I'm deeply sorry for her actions, Dearie. I'm make sure she suffers some consequences and regrets her actions. If this sort of thing ever does happen again please take up with me immediately."She then walked off, leaving me with the silence of the coming night and the distant scolding of the Sheikah girl.

And the patter of hooves on stone.

"(Y/N)! There you are!" I heard Link's familiar voice and the clicking of his boots as he jumped down onto the stone tiles. "Please, just let me explain what happened."

I sighed. "Fine. Tell me what happened."

He stopped a bit behind me but I could still see the reflection of his face in the water, sending a painful jolt through my heart. He looked as distressed as he could be and his hair was a complete mess. Even his tunic was ruffled.

"At the end of the party last night Paya came up to me. She told me she liked me but I told her I only loved you. She didn't take that as an answer through. She... she kissed me. I didn't know what to do at first. I was exhausted and shocked... I shoved her away once I registered what was happening. Zelda just took what she saw out of context. You know how she can be..." He sighed, slumping his shoulders, looking completely defeated. "I understand if you're still mad. Just... I hope you can somehow forgive what happened..."

I sighed, patting the spot next to me. "It's okay, Link. Paya told me her side of the story and both of them add up." I glanced at him, offering a small but gentle smile, "I know you're not lying." I fiddled with my fingers for a moment. "Sorry for not giving you a chance to speak."

     He grinned, plopping himself down besides me, "It's alright. I mean, it's only your instinct to be upset when you hear your boyfriend kissed someone else." He wrapped a arm around my waist loosely. "Although, I'm kind of offended you'd think I'd do something so low," he sent me an empty glare and spoke in a teasing voice. "I'm the hero of Hyrule, after all."

     I hummed, leaning into him with an equally teasing tone, "I wouldn't put it past you."


      "Oh, shush. I'm kidding." I closed my eyes. "I love you."

      I felt him press his lips gently against my forehead. "I love you more."

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