BOTW!Link X Reader | You're Beautiful

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(F/F) = Favorite physical feature of yourself. And don't say you don't have one. You're all gorgeous so find one. :)

I sighed, rubbing my arm as we sat in Links room. Impa had visited us, looking much younger after trying Purah's latest age-reversal technique. According to Zelda, she looked exactly like she did 100 years ago. Poor Paya was pretty surprised.

"(Y/N)?" I snapped out of my thoughts when Impa called my name. "What's been bothering you?"

Recently, Link and I were having problems in our relationship and we wanted to talk with some one who had experience. We asked Zelda if she knew anyone and turns out that Impa wasn't just a royal advisor but was trained to be able to help with relationships as well.

I fiddler my thumbs, acutely aware of Link sitting next to me. "Well," I stuttered, "I... Don't feel deserving."

"Oh, come on. Don't say that!"

"Link. (Y/N) is speaking and you are listening. (Y/N), do you care to elaborate?"

I awkwardly kicked my legs and swallowed thickly. "I um... I just don't understand. Link's had girls from royalty tell him they like him and I don't understand why he would choose someone like me," I put an emphasis on the last word. I purser my lips and moved my torso so it faced away from the blonde. Not because I didn't like him but because I didn't want him to see me.

"Alright, Link, why don't you say what has been bothering you."

"They don't talk to me anymore! Ever since I showed them the Zora gear from Mipha they seem distant. Also, it's insane of them to think they don't deserve me. If anything it's the other way around!"

Impa sighed and nodded. "Okay. Here, (Y/N), why don'f you list maybe three things that you think are great about yourself.

I looked up and blinked at the woman. "Three?" She nodded and I sighed. "Well, I guess I'm pretty good with a horse. Plus, I make some really good crepes."

"Okay, one more thing."

I sighed. "I guess I really like (F/F)..."

"Yes!" Link breathed. "I love that about you to."

I glanced up to see Link grinning at me. "You do...?"

"Of course I do." He brought up a hand and gently cupped my cheek, something he hadn't done for a while because I was avoiding him, and I leaned into his touch. "I love everything about you, (Y/N)."

I gazed into Link's cerulean blue eyes and felt my heart flutter. I swallowed before speaking, "I don't understand."

He blinked, furrowing his brows in confusion. "Don't understand what?"

"Why you like me..."

"Love," he corrected. "And, I don't understand why you're so insecure. You're beautiful, talented, kind. I couldn't think of anyone better than you."

I chuckled, "Link, I'm none of those things."

He shook his head, "This is why I didn't say smart. You can be so dumb sometimes. (Y/N), I know you don't think you're pretty but in my eyes no one can compare to you. Plus, you're so good at cooking, that's a lot coming form a food-lover like me." We both chuckled and he hesitantly took my hands in his. "In all seriousness you're so good with a bow. Your aim is better than mine. I know I'm rambling but you're also the sweetest person ever. You never, ever doubted me..." he trailed off. "Except now."

I opened my mouth, "Link, I'm not doubting you. I'm just scared that I'm holding you back from being with someone who'd be better for you." My lip quivered and tears rushed to my eyes. "I'm sorry. I got scared. I just want you to be happy." I furrowed my brow, tears spilling from my eyes. "I'm just some random person and you're... you!"

      He smiled gently, giving me a reassuring hug. "What makes me so different? Having the triforce of courage? I don't even know what that means. I'm still just a Hylian. I like to eat food and spend time with my love. Nothing special about me."


       "Buts are for sitting, silly." He kissed me on the forehead and I giggled softly. "Never be scared that you're not enough ever again. It hurts me when you're in pain."

      I nodded. "Okay. I'll try."

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