AoC!Link X Reader | Proud

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      Link sighed as he returned to his room in Hyrule Castle. It was difficult to be Zelda's appointed knight. The girl never wanted to stay in one place, constantly needing more supplies for research or needing to visit the many deactivated shrines. The hardest part, despite this, was that his mind would always return to (Y/N).

       He couldn't complain though, they would always be the one thing he cared about. He'd die for them and he knew they would do the same, which as flattering as it was, worried him to death. He loved every detail about them. The way their (h/l) (h/c) hair would flow in the wind, how their gorgeous (e/c) eyes would light up when he approached, how they would be so happy when they talked about their passions. He was absolutely in love with them and nothing could ever change that.

      He smiled as he opened the door to his shared bedroom with his love, expecting (Y/N) to run up and hug them. When this didn't happen he scanned the room, noticing they weren't there. Deciding (Y/N)'s friend, Impa, may know of her whereabouts he headed towards her room, knocking once there.

       "Ugh," the girl opened the door and rubbed her eyes, seeing the boy. "What is it, Link? Do you need something?"

      The boy shook his head, signing the words 'where is (Y/N)' slowly so as the sleepy Sheikah could read it.

      "Oh, (Y/N) said she was training with the guards downstairs. She's working really hard so she can travel with you and Zelda, y'know."

      Link blinked, smiling gently. 'Thank you and goodnight.' he signed before running off.

      Link softened his eyes when he saw (Y/N) training alone in the courtyard. The silver light of the moon reflected off their flowing hair, giving them a ethereal look. Link walked over, lightly tapping their shoulder once to notify them of his presence.

      "Hm? Oh, Link!" Per usual their eyes lit up making his heart brighten. "You're back early."

      Link nodded, signing quietly, 'Yeah, King Rhoam wanted Zelda back sooner.'

      (Y/N) nodded, smiling. "Well, I think Zelda might let me come with you guys on your next mission. I've been training really hard."

      Link nodded, seeing how much they were sweating and the number of broken dummies that lied on the ground. 'You didn't push yourself too hard, right?'

       She laughed, "Even if I did it'd be worth it to spend more time with you." She took note of the serious expression on Link's face and sigh, "No, I didn't overwork. You're such a worry-bug."

       'I just don't want you to get hurt.'

       (Y/N) smiled and nodded, "I know. I'm going to go wash off. Why don't you get ready for bed? I'll be right there."

       Link nodded, kissing them gently before heading off. He got to the room and changed, laying out (Y/N)s nightwear as well. He fluffed the pillows and lied down, waiting for his love.

       After roughly twenty minutes (Y/N) came back, hair glistening with water and they changed into the nightwear, Link turning away politely. Once they hopped into bed he wrapped his arms around them, pulling their body into his own and smiling, kissing their forehead. He was so proud of his precious flower.

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