If the MCs met a Karen part 2

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A/n: You wanted part 2. Here it is. All Major, Minor, and Deuteroganists.

Cast: Eri (again), Nezuko (again) , Iri, Vorzechs, Akame, Leone, Velvet, Izumi, Ryuko, Genesis (Again), Lucifer, Karen and Brat.

Iri and Vorzechs

The two demons were um, on a honeymoon. Now that Iris is in line for the throne, The two wanted to spend time, alone, Together, like old times.

They considered some places. Restaurants, Beaches, Sight-seeing and maybe more. Right now, Their at the beach. It was peaceful and quiet.

Karen: Ahem!

I spoke too soon. For yet another time. The Couple looked at a Karen as her Brat is playing near the shore.

Vorzechs: Yes?

Karen: Why is she in that ridiculous Outfit?!

Iri was wearing Some Fancy white bikini. Oh dear, The Ironic thing is that The Karen is wearing almost the same thing, just remove the Fancy part.

Iri: This is a Beach. We wear what we want. And this is my choosing.

Karen: Change clothing this instant! You're distracting my daugther!

They saw the Karen's Little Brat playing at the shoreline.

Iri/Vorzechs: *mind* Oh you gotta be kidding me. A Karen.

Karen: Answer me!

Vorzechs: I'll answer for her. No.

Karen: Don't you know who I am?!?!

Iri/Vorzechs: An Entitled Karen who thinks she owns the place.

Karen: How dare you!!! I'm calling the authorities to have you arrested!!

Vorzechs did some magic and manipulated the Sea Creatures. Iri gave him the all clear after seeing that the Karen's child is a Mini-karen.

So He made a Jellyfish moved near the Mini-karen. And when she touched the Jellyfish, It stung his left leg, immobilizing him, And She started screaming and crying.

Mini-karen: MOMMY!!!

Karen: My baby!!! I'll be back for you!!!

The karen rushed to her Screaming Banshee as the couple laughed and continued.

What happened to the Kid? He was given a Support to her one leg so he can walk again, but slowly. And it'll recover for about 1 week.

Akame and Leone

The two were shopping for their Usual. Meat and Alchohol. They separated as to save time.

With Akame. Using the Money she got from Bounty hunting, She bought the most expensive meat in the store, And A few ingridients to cook it with. She was already drooling and impatient, Until A Karen came in.

The Karen intended to buy meat, About half a Kg of the Most expensive one. But she was shocked to see her Meat all sold out.

Karen: Excuse me!

Employee: Yes Ma'am? How can I help you?

Karen: Do you have more of these?! *points to the spot where the Meat was*

Employee: I'm afraid we're already sold out Ma'am. She bought them all.

Karen: What?!

She stormed to Akame with a Big Bag full of Fresh Meat, Literally.

Karen: Give me those Meat Right now Young lady!

Akame: I'm 26. And No.

Karen: I said Give me!!

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