The Day off

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I secretly summoned a Giant Gaster Blaster and fired at the blade, strengthening the girls' powers. That alone destroyed Ascalon, splitting it into 3 pieces.

I slowly approached them while clapping happily.

Pneuma: Wow! Just amazing!

They ran up to me and tackled me in a hug. Though I let myself go down because of the girls.

Eri-chan: Mama! We did it! Our First win together!

Pneuma: I know, and I'm proud. Wait till Daddy hears about this, maybe he'll buy each of you anything you want.

Eri-chan/Nezuko: *cute and happy noises*

Pneuma: Nezu-chan. You mastered the magic I taught you, and you became as powerful as a User of the 5 Gates. We will have more, yet special training after.

Nezuko: Yay! I can be stronger!

We continued our training, finished it, and started our special one. But before all the continued, I picked up the remaining pieces of Ascalon.

Pneuma: *mind* These will help us. It's in better hands now.

And now
Narrator POV

Well. Issei and Vali's attempt on the girls was questionable. Issei being all perverted and arrogant thinks he can easily beat them, but noooooooo, Y/n's Daughters will not go down that easily.

Let see how the ORC, faction leaders, and headmasters will take this news. And let"s just say, They're not too happy.

In Union Academy

Sirzech: WHAT?!!?!

The loud voice of the Leader of the Devils sounded through the halls of Union. Her Sister made another attempt at Y/n by kidnapping his daughters and Blackmailing him.


Rias: N-not to do it.

Azazel: You just disobeyed us for the 5th time! More attempts or we're temporarily stripping you of your Powers!

Rias, being power hungry loves power. She'd do anything to get more, or get it back. Her attempt to make Y/n her slave and getting his powers is like a Dream come true. No one to stop her, no one to fight her, just all wins. Unfortunately for her, All her plans failed, and we all know she would make another attempt.

Ozpin: One more thing Ms. Gremory. Please tell the Bumbling servant of yours to stop peeking into the girls' bathroom. It's getting out of hand.

Issei: Alright alright. I won't do it again. I promise

(A/n: Press X to doubt. Again *presses X millions of times*)

Ozpin: Good.

Michael: That reminds me. My Sister, Gabriel said that she's gonna recollect the fragments from Y/n. She has ways of getting it back.

Rias: Good. Issei needs his sword back.

Present time
Gabriel POV

Present timeGabriel POV

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