Who are You?

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All Might: To overcome the crisis infront of you.

Eri: By giving everything you've got!

All Might: And save people.

Eri: No matter the cost!

The two then dashed at their respective opponent with Heroic Intent. Both Villains were readying to fists/Claws.

All Might: That's what make someone!

Eri: A True Hero!


As the Hero and Heroine were nearing their opponent, They shouted a Name they will never forget.


The fists collided with the villains in a Clash. They were equal in Power, But the Heroes were not done Yet as Eri's Fiery Aura magnified and All Might had a Silohouette of every Hero behind him.

Eri: LET'S GO!!

All Might: BEYOND!!

Both: PLUS ULTRA!!!!!

Their Punching Power magnified, Easily overpowering their Enemy before hitting their Chest area and smashing them to the ground.

The Immense Force and Power created a Massive Crater and a Massive Tornado.

The moment they were done. The two raised their Fists victoriously while a News Helicopter was broadcasting everything.

Reporter: That was....*wipes tears of joy* the Mightiest Battle.

And now

Heroes swarmed the battlefield, Cops ran and restrained the Villains with Anti-Quirk cuffs.

The Mighty Duo lowered their fists and spat out some blood. Eri has never done Night Girl two times in a Row, same goes for All Might with his Super move.

When the two came to the edge of the Police Tape, they were swarmed with Reporters, with alot of questions.

"All might!! How strong were they?"

"Who is this girl you fought with?!"

"Was it Hard?!"

Eri silenced them an earth stomp, Which is a Stomp infused with Earth Gate. The movement shut them up.

Eri: Good. Now One at a time. Don't make me do it again.

Reporter: Who are you?

Eri: I'm Eri L/n, Or as some Villains call me, Might Girl.

Reporter #3: Might girl? Aren't you the one who beat All might? Why are you an Adult?

Eri: It's a Long Story.

Reporter #2: You used your Power, And not registered as a Hero. You'll go to Jail for it.

Eri: I did what I had to. Besides, All might was outnumbered 3 to 1, Someone had to step up.

Cue more questioning before the Cops came with Cuffs to Eri. But All Might stopped them.

All Might: Let her go Officers. She did what is right.

Officer: We have to. This is the Law.

Eri: I'd rather break the law to Save Lives than Following it and let Villains take em.

All Might: Another thing is that.

He looked around and whispered to the Officer

All Might: *whisper* If I'm being Honest. My Life may be one of the Villain's Victims if She didn't enter.

That made the Officer ponder. The Symbol of Peace dying, That will spark the rise of Crime rates. He hesitantly put away the cuffs.

Officer: You got Courage Young Lady. Or should I say, Might Girl.

The officers left and the two stared each other.

Eri: Had a Good fight.....Let's do it again sometime.

All Might: Only if I continue to live that is. *mind* And if I have the power. I might have give it back to Young Midoriya.

Somewhere Else
In a far far away place
??? POV

I was standing infront of a Young Lady, who was sitting on a tree.

Lady: You seem to be lost, Confused.

???: Where the hell am I? I was fighting something I should have killed long ago.

Lady: You're in another Planet. Several Light years away from Earth.

???: How did I get here?

Alice: Name's Alice Trinity. I'm a Goddess.

(pksp04's OC. He let me use her for a Short time. Credit to him)

???: a God?

Alice: You could say that. I far surpass the Gods in your world.

???: What do you want from me?

Alice: I have Three things. I wanted this conversation to be a Secret to only us. Second is, I bear a warning to you and the Earth. And the Third, Is that I will train you.

???: What Warning?

Alice: One of my Creations went Rogue, I myself can't take care of it for I am restricted. I will train you to fight it off what I created. It will come for Earth and to destroy it.

???: Why Earth?! There are Many planets in the Universe?!

Alice: That is true. But Earth is by far my Favorite Planet, And It wants it gone. The Other gods are powerless against it. Only you have the Potential to Stop it.

I ponder a bit. If she can teleport me here, And say the Gods are Powerless against his creation, Then I have no chance to fight her.

???: I'll do it.

Alice: Wise decision. Now come, Let me upgrade your Weapons.

???: W-wait? I have a Question. Who or what is this Rogue Creation?

Alice: *silent*............

???: Alice?

She said one word that sparked a Memory in me.

???: Boros.....

Boros...A Creator's Rogue Creation. Dominator of the Universe, Conqueror of Life, Destroyer of Worlds. I read it in a Myth book back in the day. A Single glance from him can wipe out a Planet, and a Tap of his Finger can destroy a Star.

She never said another word and left. I soon followed. This is gonna be a Hellish training if I am gonna win against Boros.

To be continued

Next time


A/n: Apologies for making this Chapter shorter than the rest. My mind went blank, thinking of a way for this to happen.

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