Surprising Day

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A/n: Was hoping the Eri-chan vs All-might would win. I have the script and Idea in advance. But hey, Readers choose.

For Kira. She told Y/n about leaving the ORC, saying that It was not the Same as she used to know. Knowing that They never took away her piece, Y/n got help from Genesis and asked her to remove her Piece and make her Human again.

She agreed to, but for a Price. She said they would claim it when the time is right. Genesis destroyed the Piece and Turned her Human again. She lunged at Y/n and brought her into a Hug.

A/n: Question. Should I have Kira (Female Kiba) have Jeanne D'arc from Fate as a Stand (Like from JoJo), Though she WILL appear Physically and fall inlove with Y/n. She's just a new Power for Kira.

When The girls left because They have to pack and plan on leaving Union. Y/n went home. Unknown to a Pair of Magenta Eyes looking at him.

???: Hmm~ So this is the Boy My former apprentices fell in love with~ You, Y/n L/n, are on my Candidate list~~

And now
Narrator POV

Well. Many changed during and after their Reunion. Let's start with Gabriel.

Ozpin and Michael broke the news to the others. They were very shocked at Y/n's Capabilities, Attracting a Demon Princess, AND The strongest Angel. Ironwood and the Fallens decided to use their Latest experiment, The Void Princess.

Let's see how that went out.

That Time

Y/n, Rose and Pneuma were going on a shopping spree. They used their powers and found their Baby's Gender, Both girls. They were very happy that they have our own blood child. In about 2 weeks, 2 new races are introduced, A Cambion and a Demigod.

Normally. It would take 9 months for a normal woman to give birth. But due to gods like Pneuma, It would take 1 month depending on the other parent. For Rose, Y/n's Multi-blood of Gods, and Nephilim sped up the process, almost 1 months and 2 weeks.

They bought a bunch of stuff for their kids in a nearby mall.

A/n: Future note. If any of you wonder, "Why not summon their needs for their kids/themselves". Because they want to live normal, and not abuse their powers too much.

Though outside of the mall. Several Atlas trucks and a few Bullheads are waiting for The 3. The one leading them is an experimented girl from Atlas, Hannah.

She lived a rather different life than other kids. She's been kidnapped from an orphanage so that Atlas and the Fallens can experiment on her. Doing all sorts of augments and power transfering. She's now on her 5th mission, and that is to capture Y/n and bring him to Atlas.

When the 3 left the mall with a few boxes and bags. They were stopped by Atlas.

Atlas Captain: Y/n L/n! You are requested by the General Ironwood! Come to Union Academy immediately or we will use force!!

Y/n: *mind* Why won't they just stop. *out loud* Tell Moltenwood to piss off.

Atlas Captain: We're not repeating it again! Come with us or we'll make you!

Most soldiers pointed their guns at them, trying to intimidate him, Keyword: Trying.

Y/n: *to his Girls* Okay. Go on without me. I'll handle these Jerk-offs.

Pneuma/Rose: Sure thing Love/Dearie~~ *kisses his cheek*

They soon left. A few tried to chase them, but Y/n went infront of them.

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