Psychic Onslaught

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Eri slid inside the beast. Feeling the insides, And smell.

Centichoro: Die!

The walls contracted as she was squeezed inside.

Eri: *mind* Stomach Acid.

Centichoro: I'll melt you down to nothing!!

Eri: You are Mistaken! YOU are the one who will melt!

Her entire body was engulfed in flames.


The beast's eyes glowed brighter than the Sun as its insides were getting cooked.

She took the chance to escape the burning Flesh. She landed on a Ruined building with Broken Armor and second degree burns. She fell unconcious with a smile on her face.


Rose and Pneuma went to one of the Leaders to take them down.

They found Centichoro, just standing still. It took a few minutes to realize it was not moving, but still alive.

Pneuma flew above the beast and checked its conditioning. Carpace damaged, Face intact, Teeth broken, but most notable is that the Insides were cooked, literally.

Pneuma: Got any ideas?

Rose: Let's just cut it to pieces.

Pneuma: sounds about right.

They took their time and cut the Massive centipede to pieces.


Geryunganshoop: You dare approach me Mortal?!

???: *no response*

And Now

Geryuganshoop: I, Geryuganshoop wil-

The Psychic Squid got interrupted by a Dark red aura around it. And It got slammed onto thr ground.

Geryuganshoop: You dare-

Nezuko: Spare me the chit chat.

It was Nezuko. She knew how Dangerous this will be, But she did it anyway. Her Sister fought many enemies before, This time, It was her turn.

Geryunganshoop: *annoyed* gk! Telekenetic Power: Slam!

Geryuganshoop slams Nezuko to a building with its telekinesis as She gets off easily and strokes the dust off her clothing, much to his obvious surprise.

Percentage Meter: 62%

She then confronts Geryuganshoop.

Nezuko: You shouldn't use your powers for Violence. Mainly Self defence

The Psychic Squid, now angered, lifts the building behind her, turns it to dust and launches it at Nezuko only for the Psyhic Child to redirect it at it as Geryuganshoop uses its barrier.

(Okay. I'm just gonna put Geryu)

Geryu: You think you're impressive Mortal? I'll crush you in five seconds FLAT!

The Enraged esper slams gravity at her as Nezuko uses her barrier to protect her, with great strain.

Percentage Meter: 75%

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