Nezuko and Eri vs Great Dragons

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A/n: After the next chapter, maybe the next next one.. I will be closing the Q/a. Hope any of you understand.


3rd POV

Their 'Fun' time lasted the entire night, luckily, their moans were muffled by a Sound barrier. But unknown to them, A Green-eyed Certain Goddess was watching and mastubating. After seeing him cum again, She too came.

Pneuma: *quietly* Oh my~ This is the 8th time I came~, I must be very needy for him~, Don't worry Love~, I'll have my turn with you~, Just wait~

And now
Week later

Ever since that All-night 'Fun' time Y/n and Rose had. A few things happened.

First off. Rose couldn't walk for the week and they had to make an excuse for the kids and the two goddesses. Though after they woke up, they saw a Big pool of Sticky stiff.

Flashback to that Morning

After our All-nighter fun time. Rose was extremely exhausted, her legs aren't moving, and she's overflowing with my Semen.

Rose: *Very heavy pants* You~, Monster~

Y/n: I'm the monster in bed aren't I~? Now We know who's Dominant~

Rose: Y-yes~

Y/n: Now come on, Ride on my Back, You're legs went limp already.

She grabbed my back and pulled herself to me. I gave her a Piggyback ride and carried her downstairs. But when I opened the door, I stepped on a Big Pool of wet substance.

Rose: Looks like someone had fun~

Y/n: It can be Pneuma~ or it can be Genesis~ Who knows~.

I cleaned up the pool with Magic and killed the Smell. I brought Rose down and did our usual Day.

Flashback end
Narrator POV

2nd one. Pneuma became more horny for Y/n, sometimes going to her Secret spot and masturbating, fondling herself, and moaning his name. And she tend to push him to her breasts, often saying Flirty jokes.

3rd and Lastly. Atlas pretty much tripled Security and CCTV detail on every single lab the Shipgirls we at. It started 2 days ago with Y/n saving a few shipgirls and destroying the labs.

Atlas announced this to the World.

Atlas: Attention all Races and Factions! This is the HQ of Atlas Military! We advise to RETURN ALL SHIPGIRLS AT ONCE! Those Shipgirls' cores can may contain new sources of Energy source for the World! We just need them returned and Time! Return them at once or we will track you down and take them back by force.

Pretty much they're determined to get that Power source. Y/n found out that the Mental Cube was just used to make the Ships go into Girls as Riggings, not as a Power source. Atlas was thinking too much that it was.

(I just made that up. I'm no smarty in Azur Lane's Mental Cubes)

Enough recaping. Let's continue.


I was on another hunt for Money. This one isn't a Dead or Alice one. Just make Jackass Schnee reveal what he'd been doing to all Faunuses.

Rose agreed to my words of taking a Day-off, spend time with her parents. It's been awhile since they haven't bonded.

I taught my Daughter, Eri-chan the 5 gates. And Nezuki was very wanting for powers like hers, and Pneuma took it upon herself to teach her a Magic she'd call "Polychromatism".

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