Chuck Intervenes

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(Y/n)'s POV

After breakfast, Alastor collected the plates and put them in the kitchen while I sat bored at the table. I was debating on whether to run or stay. It's not like I have anything better to do besides go to work and come home to an empty, boring, house.

"Hmm... Hey Al, why do you keep me here?" I call out to him as he exits the kitchen. "Well..." He thought for a moment before walking up behind me and leaning down beside my ear. "Why wouldn't I keep what belongs to me at my side? And after that fake death stunt, you've been pulling for the past few years, it's only a precaution so you don't run away again." He then grabbed my chin and turned my face toward his. "I'm sure you understand dear. I can't let you get far. You'll get lost."

I move his hand away from my face and turn away. "Haha. Very funny. Stop actin' like some sort of pet owner. Damn beanpole." I then stand from the table and stretch tiredly. "C'mon. If you make me late for work I'll cut your knees off and feed them to the animals in the woods." "Cut off my knees-? Darling, you make no sense at all." Alastor chuckles as he watches me walk away.

Alastor's POV

I watch (Y/n) walk upstairs as I smile softly. "What a mysterious thing you are my dear... what a mysterious thing indeed," I say to myself as I also leave to get ready.

A few minutes later I walk downstairs to see (Y/n) already waiting for me. "Ah, so you didn't run off this time?" "Oh, can it Gigantor. I didn't feel like running this early in the morning." She huffs stubbornly, her (h/c) hair slightly covering her face. "Hm, do you have a hair tie my dear?" "Uh- yeah on my wrist, why?"

I take the hair tie off her wrist gently and stand behind her as I pull her hair out of her face. "Um- Al? What are you doing?" (Y/n) asks confused. I start to fix her hair putting it into a simple ponytail before stepping away and opening the door for her. "After you dear."

"Wh- huh? When did you learn to fix hair?" She asks confused as she followed me out the door and to the car. She had already hopped into the passenger seat as I approached my side also sliding in. I started the car and started the drive to our dreadful workplace.

I sigh as I see our dreaded workplace in the distance. "My, how I dread dealing with Charles." I mutter to myself with an annoyed smile. "You two never really got along as kids huh?" (Y/n) chimes. "I have my reasons dear... I have my reasons."

I park the car in a vacant spot and turn off the engine. "Oh c'mon Al, don't look so annoyed. You two fight like cats and dogs. Try to get along for once." (Y/n) laughs as she exits the car, leaving the building without me.

I sigh and follow behind her as we walk inside. (Y/n) walks ahead of me calmly as I walk behind. She had always been so intriguing with her heir of mystery, sarcasm, secret. It makes me want to uncover the secrets and the mystery. "Al, why are you staring off into space? You might wanna get to work before Chuck gets in here." (Y/n) says interrupting my thoughts and snapping me back to reality. "Hm? What was that my dear?"

"Oi- Al focus. You're off in La-la land again." She says with a gentle laugh. I straighten my posture and nod. "You're right my dear. Wouldn't want to get in trouble now would we?" I chuckle and turn to my desk, looking over the script for this evening's podcast.

After about an hour of work, a knock was heard at the office door. "Hm? Come in." I say toward the door. The door opens as Chuck enters. He glances over at me and his eyes move to (Y/n). "Ah, there you are (Y/n)! I've been meaning to talk to you about something." He says to her cheerfully.

I glare and lean back in my chair with an irritated smile. (Y/n) turned around and looked up at him. She was... smiling at him. "Hey (Y/n), you mind coming with me to my office for a minute? I've been wanting to talk to you about something." He babbled, offering her a hand. "Oh sure, Chuck. No problem." She then takes his hand and he gently pulled her from her seat.

The sight made my eye twitch in annoyance. He shouldn't be touching her... she's mine. "Hey Al, I'll be back in a bit. Be good while I'm gone~!" Her voice rings in my ears as I see the door shut. I squint at the door. Something was off about Chuck's manor. He's up to something... I need to find out what.

(Y/n)'s POV

I follow curiously as Chuck leads me down the hall and to his office. He pulls me into the small room and closes the door behind us. "Hehe, so what's this about-" I laugh turning around only to be met with Chuck's serious gaze. "Chuck? What's wrong? Did something-" I was cut off by Chuck's deep and serious tone.

"Be honest with me (Y/n)... are you in trouble?" He asked staring down at me. I raised an eyebrow at his odd question. "What do you mean in tro-" "(Y/n) I went to your home last night. I knocked you didn't answer. Your car was broken down in the parking lot. No one was home and the place was trashed! What the hell happened?!" He roared. I sigh and look down, contemplating whether, to tell the truth, or not. What would happen to Alastor? What would Chuck do to him... "Well- I mean... I guess..." "Be honest. What did Alastor do?"

I felt terrible hearing Chuck's voice torn in worry and concern. All I could do is spare a wry glance up at him and shrug. This apparently gave him all the info he needed to get straight to the point. "He took you... didn't he. He abducted you when you got home and took you away to his home..." He then took a hold of my wrists and glanced carefully.

"Your wrists... they're red and torn all to pieces. Wait... did that bastard really tie you down somewhere?!" His voice went from soft and concerned to loud and fuming. "Hey hey! Chuck calm down! It's okay! I'm alright. Don't freak out or he'll come in here." I warned as I grabbed his face. "Hey now Chucky. Look at me. If you don't quit your barking we're screwed. All you need to know is I'm fine and working on a way out of this mess so just calm down."

He slowly begins to calm down and recollect himself. "You're right... you're okay at least. But that's not enough. You're coming with me today." He then fixes his tie and looks at the clock. "Hey darlin', you mind going and getting your work things? I'll have you in my office today too."

I simply nod and walk out of the room as I hear Chuck's heavy footsteps directly behind me. 'What on Earth has him so overprotective? He's never usually like this or- at least wasn't when we were kids...' I thought to myself puzzled. 'I'll find out soon...'


AAAAAAAAAAAAH! This is a long one. 1256 words actually UwU Hope y'all enjoy

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