(STORY PART) I can't feel this way...

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I had ended up sleeping on Chuck's couch last night. He offered me his bed but I thought that was rude. When I woke up for work I saw the man himself in his kitchen cooking up some breakfast. It actually smelled really good. Good enough for me to tiredly waddle into the room. "Mmm... Hey Chucky. Whatcha doin'?" I mumbled and stretched out with a groan

"Oh hey Little Bit! Good morning. Sleep well?" Chuck laughed as he stirred around some scrambled eggs in a pan. "I slept about as good as a not dead supposed to be dead girl can." Chuck only laughed and set out two plates. To my surprise he put (insert fav breakfast food here) on my plate as well as poured me some (coffee or tea) and sat it on the dinner table. "Eat up. I'm sure a not quite dead, supposed to be dead girl needs her sustenance."

I thanked him warmly and sat at the table. We happily chatted and babbled about the most random things. It was honestly refreshing. The past while I've been here has been so stressful. "Hey... (Y/n?)" Chuck lifts his head with an odd expression. "Yeah?" "Well... It's dangerous at the studio. I have a friend at the local diner. He said he'd love the help, maybe you could have a good job there. Away from that bastard Al." He grimaced and violently stabbed his eggs. "Chuck. I told you. I like where I work. Alastor or not. He can try what ever he pleases but he won't win. I promise." I leaned over the table and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. I smiled and he smiled sheepishly back.

Chuck's POV

"Stubborn as always I see." I sigh and take our plates. I place them in the sink to rinse and as I gazed blankly out the window I saw something that made my blood boil. My teeth gritted together and my face distorted in anger. "Chucky...?" I heard (Y/n) 's sweet, concerned voice call to me. I snapped away from the window and bellowed out a laugh. "Of course Little bit! Say, why don't you borrow one of my shirts for work today. Your's looks awful tattered and worn."

I smiled softly as Y/n scratched the back of her head and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't want to be a bother..." "Nonsense! You stay right there. We'll have you in some clean wardrobe in no time!" And with that, I made my way to my room with haste. I grabbed one of my favorite button ups and gazed out my window again. I scowled and reached into the depths of my dresser, retrieving a loaded revolver. I shoved it down in the waist of my trousers and trotted back down stairs, dawning my signature grin.

When I reached the kitchen I was released to see Y/n calmly doing the dishes. "God she's such a sweetheart... " I think to myself and call out to her. She turns with a sweet grin and accepts the shirt from me. "Wow, this thing is way too big for me. Hmmm... I'll make it work. Thanks Chucky!" She giggled and runs off to change.

*knock knock knock*

My smile faded into a hateful frown as I march over to my front door. I knew exactly who it is. "Alastor..." I scowled as he stood before me in the door way. "Ah, Chuck my old friend. Would you happen to know where Y/n has hidden herself?" His gaze was menacing and evil but he still never let his smile melt away. "Now isn't the time Al. Get to work. Before I call the police on you for trespassing past my gate." With that he simply scoffs and turns away. He trots just out of sight when Y/n returns.

"Hey Chuck. Ready for work?" I turn and my heart practically melts at the sight of her. She had tied the end of the shirt in a knot to make it suit her waist, and the sleeved were rolled to her elbows. "You look great. Let's go little bit." I mumble softly and open the door for her.

We got in the car driving to work. The entire time infelt my face glow bright red. What is going on?! "Hey Chuck? You okay? You look a little warm?" Y/n chimes and glances over. Dear god. This can't be happening. Alastor would kill me if he knew. "N-nothin'! Everything is in tip top shape!" I blurt out and she crosses her arms. "That made no sense. What's wrong with you!"

I finally parked the car. My grip on the wheel was fierce and unrelenting. "I... I don't know. Y/n I'm worried about you. Alastor... He's up to no good! I can't let him hurt you and loose you all over again. I can't stand the thought of me being the reason you disappear twice!"

My breathing was heavy and small tears formed in my eyes. "Chucky... It's okay. Everything will be okay. I'm not going anywhere."

"Not this time. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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