New Start

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  Okay okay! Before you all get confused, yes, I changed the title of the story. Please don't be mad TwT

Also remember. Ms.Bell is chu. Nobody knows your real name U^U


The next day~

I calmly look out my kitchen window as I eat my breakfast thinking about what happened last night. "Why was he even in here...?" I question as I eat a spoonful of cereal.  I look down at my kitchen table and look at today's news paper. 'New radio station looking for (insert your job here)'  "Oh hey, They have an opening for my job there... Maybe I should go for an interview today." I smile slightly and get up to put my bowl in the sink. 

"Yeah. I should! It'll be a good start at least."  I smile as I walk to my front door grabbing my jacket and putting on my shoes. I walk outside to my car and start to drive downtown while one of my favorite songs comes on the radio.

At the radio station

"Ah Ms. Bell. Pleasure to meet you. I'm the director of the studio Charles, but please, call me Chuck." A tall red-headed man said shaking your hand. "Uhm- It's nice to meet you Chuck. I came here to interview for the-" The man named 'Chuck' interrupted me. "The job is yours. Your boss back in the last town over told me a lot about you. So I think you'd be perfect for the job." The man says with a hearty laugh and a bright smile.

I smile at the man. "Well thank you very much sir. I look forward to working here!" I say shaking his hand. "Not a problem. You start tomorrow. I'll walk you around and introduce you to everyone and then show you where you'll be working." Chuck says as he walks me out.  "Well then, I look forward to seeing you here tomorrow at 7 o'clock sharp!" Chuck says as wave and walk to my car. "Same to you!" I yell getting in.

I start my car engine and smile. "That was a lot faster than I thought it would be. Now I have enough time to go to a coffee shop for a bit." The car then pulls out of the parking lot and begins it's decent downtown.

I happily walk into the coffee shop and order my drink sitting down. "It's funny how many old memories this is bringing back." I chuckle, staring out the window.  

Alastor's POV

"Hey Al! Your shift's done." Chuck says standing in the doorway to the recording room. "Oh really? Time has been passing by so fast it seems like." I say collecting my things and standing. "Well, I guess I'll be off then." Chuck stops me before I take my leave. "One more thing Al, we've got a new girl. I'll be showing her around tomorrow and she'll be working in here with you. Unless you want me to move her."

I stop and think a moment. "Why I'd love to have some company! It gets so dreary in here without someone to talk to." I say cheerfully causing a bright smile to form across chucks face. I wave on my way out and put on my coat. "A new girl? Oh I hope she won't get in my way." I think as I calmly walk down the street.

Back To Your POV

I stand and pay for my drink as I leave the happy little coffee shop. "I wonder what my co-workers will be like." I think getting into my car and sitting for a moment. As I turn on my car about to pull out of the parking lot I see a flash of red out of the corner of my eye. I quickly snap my head forward and see none other than Alastor calmly walking down the street with his same wide smile.

I quickly duck as I watch him walk past my car and into the coffee shop I was just in. "Phew. I'm glad I got out of there when I did." I sigh relieved and start to drive home.

When I got home I hopped out of my car and started organizing some of my old work things.  "I should get ready for tomorrow. There's gonna be a lot of people to meet and I gotta make sure I don't freak out. I really don't like people..." I say talking to myself.

I turn and look at the clock hanging on my wall. "It's gettin' late I should probably take a shower and get to bed." 


"Would you give that bag back already! I'm gettin' tired!" I yell as I case the man in front of me. I continue to chase the man into the road when I here an old friend call out to me. I turn and smile at him confused. He yelled something I couldn't really hear and the next second, I saw a flash of white. 

I fell to the ground dazed as I saw red pools surround me. "Wh- what? What's happening?" I think to myself as I see Alastor run up to me. "Hang on (Y/n)! It'll be okay..." He says with a wiry smile. "Aw com on Al... Smile. You- you're never fully dressed... without one." I say as my eyes begin to feel heavy and I drift off into a deep sleep.

I open my eyes looking around confused. "Wh- huh? Where am I?" I say aloud as I stand feeling grass beneath my feet.  I look down even more confused and walk forward. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I ask as a tree is able to be seen in the distance.

I walk up to the tree and touch it. "But... this tree was in my back yard as a little girl. It was burnt down in the fire." I think looking up to see the old tree house my brother and I used to play in. "What the-" I hear a chuckle behind me and quickly turn around.

My eyes go wide as I look at the owner of that chuckle. It was a man, he looked exactly like my brother except... older. "Andrew?" I say shakily as I approach the man. "Hey little sis, long time no see." He smiles down at me with an almost sympathetic look. "B- but how are you here? How are you so grown? You died back in the-" He cut me off mid- sentence.

"You're right... I died. And I'm still dead. And that means..." He looks to the grown frowning. I gasp in realization. "I- I died?" I ask as tears form in my eyes.  He nods grimly as tears start to fall. "But I can't die! I- I.." Andrew walks up and hugs me. "It's alright. You don't have to worry anymore. You can stay here. We can be a family again." He whispers.

"No..." I push him away and wipe away any tears that dare fall.  "I'm sorry but I can't. My time isn't up just yet." I then sigh and begin walking toward the way I came. "(Y/n) WAIT-" 

End of dream

I wake up in a cold sweat as I look around my room. I sigh relived. "Just a dream... I'm here... and I'm still alive!" I say as I look to my window then my  clock.  "Huh, I should start getting ready for work." I say getting out of bed.


I'm sorry if this one took longer than usual. Life is no joke TwT. Anywho here is a beautifully rushed and confusing chapter that makes absolutely zero sense! Cya pups.

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