Trouble's Brewing

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Sooooooooo~ I may or may not have decided to change some of the last chapter. I changed it so Al doesn't know your alias and to where he didn't tell you his name. You'll see why soon. And I'm also sorry if this seems rushed TwT. Enjoy pups.


I smile as I get out of my car and stare at my home. "Nothings changed... except the inside maybe. It must be dusty as hell." I laugh as I open the door and look around surprised. "What the- There's not a speck of dust anywhere!" I exclaim as I walk further inside and look around. "It's like someone's been coming in here and cleaning. Yet everything is still the way I left it." I mumble.

I shrug it off and walk upstairs. "Huh, clean as a whistle...." I whisper opening my bedroom door. I grab some clothes and decide to take a shower. I sigh as I see the (2/f/c) hair dye wash down the drain revealing my (h/c) hair. 

I stretch as I step out of the bathroom. "Ah! That felt nice." I collapse on my bed. "It's so good.... to be home." I say quickly drifting off to sleep.

Alastors POV

I pace the floors of my home as I continuously think of that girl from town. "She looked just like her, but only... older. More mature with a different hair color." I think as I sigh in frustration. "She can't be her! (Y/n) died years ago and here I am still wishing for a miracle." I  laugh and compose myself. "Oh (n/n), look at all the trouble you cause even in death."  I smile and leave my home while humming a little tune.

It starts to rain as I walk along a dirt path and end up at the backdoor of (y/n)'s old house. "Hmm I should probably stop inside. Don't want to catch a cold after all." I open the door and walk inside.

I take off my coat and shoes and proceed to walk into the kitchen.  I look to the cabinets and grab a cup. "Might as well get some water." I hum. The glass makes a loud clank as I put it under the faucet. 

Your POV 

I wake up slowly and roll over yawning. I slowly turn to the window and smile. "The sound of rain is so calming. I continue to enjoy the sounds of the rain when I hear an abrupt sound of glass breaking. 

I shoot up from my laying position and look to my door. "What the hell was that?" I whisper as I tip-toe to the door opening it. I hold my breath as I walk down the stairs as quiet as possible. I quickly reach the kitchen and peak around the corner noticing a tall dark figure standing over a pile of broken glass. 

I look around for a useful defense weapon and grab a... broom? "Ooookay... this'll have to do." I think to myself as I quietly sneak up behind the figure which was now bending over the glass pile.

I take a deep breath and swiftly swing down as hard as possible with the broom. A loud "Ack!" Erupts from the man in front of me as I run to the light switch and turn it on. I quickly gasp and drop the broom as I notice a certain familiar man crouching in pain. "Oh my god... Alastor? What are you doing in my house?!" I yell surprised.

Alastor looks up at me shocked and confused with his odd smile. "You... live here?" He asks slowly. Panicked, I look around the kitchen trying to think of an excuse that might work on him. Because if Alastor's the same way he was ten years ago, than I'll have a hard time lying to his face.

"Uh yeah. A realtor showed it to me a few weeks back and I decided to move in!" I say with a nervous smile. "Ah I see." He replied. "But I have one question my dear." He starts. "How do you know my name?" He narrows his eyes and smiles creepily. "Uh- I... I heard your name back at the diner!" I lie. "Oh you did? I don't remember anyone calling out to me. And I certainly don't remember telling someone my name." He says with a suspicious grin.

"Heh... Really now." I say, my words barley a breath. "And also my dear.I remember your har being (2/f/c). Or am I wrong?" Damn! I forgot to put the dye back in! Alastor looks down at me and grabs a string of my hair. "What a beautiful color it is, I must say." He mutters.

Alastor's POV

'(F/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, short stature, even the way she talks is the same!' I think as the girl in front of me sighs and looks to the floor. "I didn't want to have to do this..." I hear her barley whisper. "Do what my de-" The girl quickly escapes my grasp and disappears behind me, and before I could react she swiftly took my legs out from under me. 

I fall quickly to the ground and my head hits the wooden floor almost knocking me out. Before I act as if I'm blacking out I see the girl stand over me with a remorseful gaze. "I'm sorry pal."

"Holy shit! For a skinny guy you sure are heavy." She struggles. She drags me what seems to be to her car and struggles for a moment trying to get me in.  She finally manages to get me in the passenger seat and slams the door with a sigh. I hear the door on the drivers side open and close and hear her start the car.

I feel the car start a smooth dissent down the hill we were on. "Oh I hope he doesn't catch me..." She says, her words barely a whisper. 'Catch her? What ever could she mean by that?' I wonder to myself trying to piece all of the puzzle pieces together.

I hear gravel beneath the wheels of the car and feel the car come to a stop. "Alright Al, let's get you to bed." She huffs as she exits the car. The door beside me opens and she starts dragging me out.

I open my eyes for a quick second to check my surroundings and notice a very familiar driveway. 'How does she know where I live?' I think as I continue to play possum. She gently lays me on the ground and I hear a loud creak I assume to be my front door. She picks me up again and begins dragging me along 

After a while of struggling, she managed to drag me up the stairs and all the way to my bedroom. "This is where we part ways pal. Till next time..." She says exhausted. She quickly leaves the house and I hear the front door slam. I sit up and look out my window. "You... we will meet again." I say, my face showing a wiry smile.

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