Friendly Reminder

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I pace the floors of my house in a panicked manor. "Oh no. What'll I do? What'll I say? What will he do?! Oh no what if he comes looking for me? What if-" All of my panicking was interrupted by a light knock on my front door. I take a deep breath and peak out my window to see who it was. "Hey. It's me Chuck! Sorry to bother you but I just wanted to check in and see if you were alright." Chucks worried voiced called from outside my door.

I sigh relieved and open the door slightly hiding behind it. "O-oh. Hello Chuck. To what do I owe the visit?" I smiled. "Oh Bell! Hello there. I um... I just came to see if everything was alright. You left work in quite a panic yesterday." He chuckled dryly. 

I then proceed to take not that Chuck was standing outside and I was just standing here. "Oh! Please, come in. It's cold out." I whisper moving aside. He nods with a small smile and steps inside taking off his coat. "And there's no need to worry. Everything's just fine. But, would you like some coffee? I can make some if you like." Chuck smiles brightly at the gesture. "Sure, I'd love some." I smile and nod making my way to the kitchen. 

"Make yourself at home. You can leave your coat on the old coat rack in the corner." I yell from the kitchen starting to make the coffee. "Alright thanks." Chuck replies putting his coat down and sitting on the couch.

I walk out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee and set them down. "You want some sugar or anything?" I ask politely. "Hmm. If you don't mind." I nod and go to the kitchen soon returning with a bowl of sugar. "Here you go." I smile sitting down and taking a sip of coffee. I smile happily as Chuck glances at me out of the corner of his eye. 

I look over at the normally cheerful man and take not of a small frown he had while looking at his coffee. "Is... everything alright?" I ask in a confused tone. He glances over with a sad smile. "God you still have that same sad look in your eyes from when we we're kids..." He whispers.

"W-what? When we were.... Chuck are you alright? We only met a few days ago." I say utterly confused. "(Y/n) I'm sorry..." He said, his voice cracking. "(Y/n)? Who did you know my real name?" I mumbled and Chuck held his head in his hands. "If I hadn't tried pulling that stupid prank you wouldn't have gotten hurt!" 

"Wait.... Charles? Charles Muncey?" A few memories from my early childhood flashed through my head. "I'm so sorry!" He says as tears fall from his face. I rub his back and smile sympathetically. "Come on Chucky. Don't cry. Everything's okay." Chuck looks up at me smiling as tears continue to fall. "You remember huh?" he chuckles wiping away his tears. "You look so different and mature now. The Chucky I remember always head his crazy red hair and always tried to pull off the troublemaker look. Now, you look so put together. Yet you still have all of your same jokes and attitude." I giggle ruffling his hair.

He smiles and hugs me crying into my shoulder. "Crybaby." I joke as he laughs drying his tears. "Just look at you. You were saying how I've become so mature, just look at you! God it's hard to believe your the same person." I snicker. "That's kinda the whole point."

He smiles and sits up. "Yet even I knew it was you." He points out. "Oh... I forgot my hair dye again didn't I?" He smiles shaking his head. "You goofball." After a moment of silence my thoughts shoot to the horrific scene I had witnessed moments before I skipped town. "W-wait are you okay?! Alastor he- the day I was supposed to die- he- you" Chuck puts a hand on my shoulder. "You aren't the only one who can fake a death." I smile and shake my head hugging him once more. "I'm sorry you had to go through that old friend."

Alastor's POV

"I knew it was her. The one thing I didn't know is that she would run away when I told her..." I think to myself as I sit at my desk in my home office. "Why did she lie to me?!" I say slamming a fist against the desk. "All this time she was alive! I should have went to the hospital that night... but none of that matters now. I've found her and I'll make sure she can't leave ever again." I say darkly as I look out my window.

I stand from my desk and walk out of my office. "She always was a sneaky girl." I smirk walking down my stairs and grabbing my coat. I walk outside and start walking through the woods toward (Y/n)'s house as I hum happily. "But tonight~ You belong, to me~" I sing as I approach her house.


SCREEEEEE! So you know how I said I'd make a new story? Now I'm making two because I felt like making an anime based Xreader! It's a Shigaraki x Reader UwU. If you pups wouldn't mind, could you go check it out and tell me what you think? I don't know if I should keep that first chapter =v=... And don't worry the other story will be here soon. Thanks and cya next chapter pups. U^U

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