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In the dark alley,gunshots can be heard,a man screaming in pain as the scariest mafia shot him at the leg..the man chuckled darkly.

JM:You think you can run from me? HUH?!

He angrily shout..The man flinched in fear.

??:I-I'm sorry..please give me chance..d-don't kill me please..

He beg..but being the cold and heartless mafia he is,Jimin immediately shot him in the head..His shirt is full of blood.

JK:Hyung,you smell really bad..

Jungkook,Jimin's bestfriend said while closed his nose.

TH:What do you expect?Blood smell like roses?

Taehyung,another bestfriend of Jimin.

TH:Anyway,I'm tired already..Let's go home shall we?

                                                                    -JIMIN'S MANSION-

JK:Hyung,you know you will became old,right?Will you die single?

TH:Yeah,when will you get yourself a girlfriend?

Jimin scoff.

JM:All girls are same,golddigger,cheater,sluts..I rather die single than dating those disgusting women..

He said while rolling his eyes..Jungkook and Taehyung sigh.

JK:Not all girls are same,Hyung..

JM: Whatever..I'll go now..


He hummed and go to his room to sleep.

                                                                                -THE NEXT DAY-

Jimin sigh heavily as he leave the coffee shop but suddenly a girl bumped into him and almost fall but he grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling..The girl's eyes widen as they both stared at each other in eyes..It feels like the world stop..They both felt butterflies..The girl suddenly cleared her throat as she stand up properly and bowed.

??:I'm sorry and thank you for saving me..

She smiled sweetly that makes Jimin smile behind his mask but he just nodded as she walk away from him..He stared at her figure until it dissappear from his sight.

JM:Her smile seems familiar..Do we have met before?Who is she?

Many question lingering in his mind..The girl somehow makes him feel familiar..He suddenly felt that he have to know everything about the girl..He smirked under his mask and said

JM:We will meet soon,babygirl..

                                                                             -Y/N POV-

"What was that?His eyes seems familiar but where did i saw those eyes..Beautiful.."

She said in her mind and smile to herself..But soon her smile disappear and shook her head..

Y/N:What are you saying ,Y/N?You already have a boyfriend..yeah,boyfriend..

She sigh heavily..

                                                               -TO BE CONTINUED-

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P/S:Hello there readers!Actually,it's my first time writing a fanfic and English is not my first languages and i'm only 14 so please forgive me to all my mistakes and i hope you guys enjoy this..I'm sorry if it's too short..

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