Part 4-ENEMY

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At the next day,Jisoo decided to meet Y/N to apologize for not trusting her but she is not at home.She tried to call her but no answer from Y/N makes Jisoo got worried so she decided to call Seokjin instead.


JS:Hello,Jin?Is Y/N with you?


JS:She is not at home and I already called her many times but her phone suddenly off..Do you perhaps know where she is?

SJ:No,I'm not..Maybe she is busy now?Don't worry,she will be fine..Just wait for her,okay?

She sighed..


She ended the call and decided to take a walk at the park.

      -AT THE PARK-

She saw Y/N and a girl that crowded with people watching them in amuse so she start to walk towards to them.

??:Well,you sure are a slut..First,Sehun,then Seokjin now,that new guy?No wonder you choose him..He is hot and looks rich..I didn't know that you are such a golddigger..

You look down clenching your fist while tears already streaming down your face.

??:Aww,you are still a crybaby huh?Go to your mom.Oh wait,I forgot you don't have a mom or dad..

She laughed while you tried not to cry harder..Jisoo clench her jaw and walked towards you two.

JS:You slut..Don't you had enough yet?

??:Oh,look it's Jisoo..Another slut..

She smirk while Jisoo tried not to burst in anger..

JS:Stop it,IRENE..

IR:Or what?

JS:Stop it or I will slap that ugly face of yours.

IR:But it's true..Her parents leave her because she is useless..Her boyfriends used her,cheated on her..She don't deserved to be loved..Just a weak crybaby..

Jisoo couldn't take it anymore so she slapped her.

IR:YAH!How dare you slap me?!

JS:Just keep your filthy mouth shut,Irene..You don't know anything about her so stop trashtalking about her!She doesn't do anything to you!

IR:Because she is weak..Maybe the new guy will used her again and leave her like always..

She laughed evilly and smirked.

IR:Why did you exist anyway?No one loves you,Kim Y/N..

She left  the both of you.Jisoo immediately hugged you.

JS:Don't listen to her..She just want an attention..Don't waste your time for her..I'm here for you..I love you..You already like my sister..There's always someone that hating on us even we didn't do anything but remember there's also people who always loving us for who we are..Stop crying..I want to see my Y/N who is always smile..Now smile for eonnie please?

You wiped your tears and smile to her..

JS:That's my sis..Now stop crying,you look ugly.

You chuckled and hit her arm jokingly.


JS:Hehe,I'm just joking..You always pretty..

Y/N:Thank you eonnie..

JS:It's nothing..And I'm sorry for not believing you..

Y/N:It's okay..I understand you..

         -IRENE POV-

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