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Y/N:S-Seokjin?What are you doing here?

SJ:I need your help..

You raised your eyebrow to him then crossed your arm.


He cut you off.

SJ:Please,Y/N..I really need you right now..

You sigh.

Y/N:What is it?

SJ:I was chased by a criminal..


SJ:I was saving a man from them so they are targetting me..

Y/N:You save someone but can't save yourself?Come in..

They both sat on the couch..

Y/N:You can spend a night at here.Sehun won't come home anyway..

SJ:I see..Y/N,I know I was a jerk back then and I really regret it..I'm not hoping you to give a second chance to me as your boyfriend but as a friend..I'm very sorry for cheated on you..

Y/N:Sure..I already forgive you,don't worry..

SJ:So,we good?

You smile and nodded..

Y/N:You are my bestfriend...I trust you,Jin..

He smiled..

SJ:Don't worry..I won't broke your trust again,I promise..

                                -2 WEEKS LATER- 

You and Jimin start meeting each other often.But Jimin also start stalking you everywhere you go but you never realised it..Everytime he saw you and Seokjin meeting each other,he can't help but to jealous seeing how close you both are..

                                      -YOUR POV-

Sitting at couch,you were waiting for Sehun.Just then the front door open revealing Sehun..He walk towards you.

SH:Let's breakup..

You froze.


SH:Yeah..I don't love you anymore and I've been cheating on you..

Your tears fall..

SH:We are done..

He left your house leaving you with tears but soon you wiped it off and scoff

Y/N:Tch,finally he is gone..Such a pain in my ass he is..Wow,I should be an actress..

You said proudly and go to your bedroom to take a quick nap.

                               -JIMIN POV-

MAN:Boss,Miss Y/N already breakup with her boyfriend..

Jimin chuckled as he sip his wine and told the man to leave.

JM:Now,she is all mine..

He chuckled darkly as Taehyung shook his head.

TH:I thought I already warned you?

JM:What?I'm not obsessed with her,okay?That bastard doesn't deserve her anyway..He is cheating on her,he doesn't love her so what's the point of them staying in that toxic relationship?

TH:Well,you are right but i really hope you won't do the same mistakes..Because of your obsession..So please control yourself..Y/N is innocent and I don't want she to get involved with our world..It's dangerous..

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