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I sighed in disappointed and stare at her.. I thought she went to New Zealand to forget him but she still into him.. Ever since she met Jimin, she changed.. From a kind hearted girl to a selfish girl. She want him all by herself even when she know that he'll never be his.

JN: Tell me his address.

EUNWOO: You will meet him now?

JN: No..

EUNWOO: Then I won't give it to you until tomorrow.. For now, you have to rest.. You just came back after 5 years.. You think he will remember you?

She glared at me.

JN: Of course! He loves me after all..

EUNWOO:I don't think so..

JN: Ugh, shut up!

She walked away in anger. She is madly in love with someone who doesn't even love her.. How cruel the world is..



Y/N started to change.. She less talk and smile.. She started to talk in cold tone.. Always keep her poker face. .I don't know why she change like this.. I know it's just been 5 days but I already miss her old self.. Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. I open the door revealing a tall guy..

??:Is this Jimin's place?

JS: Yeah, who are you?

??:I am Eunwoo.. Listen, sooner or maybe even later, a girl named Jennie will come here to meet him.. Please don't let her.. She will just hurt herself..I don't know if I can make her stay there longer.

JS: But why she wants to meet him?

EUNWOO:I guess you have to find it yourself.. And please don't let Y/N know it..

JS:Y/N? How do you know her?

He didn't answer but just walk away. I closed the door and startled when I saw Taehyung.

JS: Gosh, you scared me..

TH: Sorry but who-

I cut him off..

JS: You know Eunwoo?

TH: Eunwoo? No..

If he know Jimin then why Taehyung doesn't know him? And how does he know Y/N?I run to Y/N's room leaving Taehyung who is looking at me weirdly.

TH: Weird..

-AT Y/N's room-


Y/N: Hm?

JS: Do you know Eunwoo?

You look at her eyes half wide..

Y/N: No,why?

Jisoo was about to tell her but she remembered what Eunwoo said..'And  please don't let Y/N know it'..

JS:N-nothing.. Well, I'll go now..

After she left, you asked yourself..

Y/N: How did she know Eunwoo?


JN: What do you mean he loves someone else?

??:Jimin doesn't love you anymore or maybe he doesn't even love you from the beginning..


??:But he already have a girlfriend now, Jen..

Jennie glared at the person.

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