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Sitting there at couch,he can't stop smiling to himself as he keep remember the incident..He can't stop thinking about you..He flinched as someone clearing his throat.

TH:What's wrong with you?It's my first time seeing you smiling like this since that-

He gut cutt off by Jungkook

JK:Well,atleast he move on..Who's the lucky girl?

Jimin start to smile again thinking about you..

TH:God,stop smiling like that..Now,tell us..Who's the girl huh?

JM:I don't know actually..I just accidentally bumped into her..She is so beautiful..For real..Her smile seems familiar..Her eyes is so pretty..

JK:You are inlove......again....

TH:Shut up..

He whispered..

JM:I want to meet her again..I want her..

JK:But what if she's already have a boyfriend or husband?You will stole her?


TH:You're kidding,right?

JM:Of course..If I don't have a chance then I will back off..I should give it a try atleast..

TH:Okay,but where will you meet her?

He smile.

If I am lucky then maybe we will meet at coffee shop..



                                                                 -AT THE COFFEE SHOP-

You sip your ice coffee and look at the entrance hoping to see someone..You sigh.

Y/N:What happened to you?Why you want to meet him so bad?You have a boyfriend Y/N..Stop it already..

Just when you were about to stand up,the entrance door open revealing a guy in mask.Your eyes widen and stared at the figure..Suddenly,your eyes met him as he come towards you and sit infront of you..You froze as he stared at you and chuckled..

??:You are the girl i bumped yesterday..

Y/N:O-Oh yeah..I'm very sorry..

??:No,It's okay..Mind telling me your name?

Y/N:Why should I?

You look at him..

??:Park Jimin..

He take off his mask as he smile and extended his hand for handshake..You look at his hand then accept the handshake and smile.

Y/N:Kim Y/N..

You both exchange number and talk to each other for hours as they enjoying each other company..Suddenly,your phone ring and you look at the caller ID..You answered it..



??:Where are you?

Y/N:I am with my friend.Why?Do you need anything?


You sigh..


You end the call and look at Jimin..

Y/N:I am sorry but my boyfriend want me at home..


Y/N:Yeah..So,see you soon?

Jimin forcedly smile and nodded..

JM:See you soon,Y/N..

You smiled for last time and leave the coffee shop..He clenched his fist..

"Who is that bastard?"

                                                                -Y/N POV-

??:Where are you?

Y/N:I already told you,I was with my friend..

??:I want to go out-

You cut him off

Y/N:Where?Club again?And then get drunk so you can be with other sluts?

He suddenly slap you..Your face tilted to the right..You scoffed and look at him

Y/N:What?It is true right,Oh Sehun?

SH:Shut up..Atleast I am working for us,not like you just sitting at home watching some stupid kdrama-

Y/N:You are the one who is stupid here,Sehun..

SH:What did you say?

Y/N:Such a deaf

You mumbled and fake a smile..

Y/N:Nothing..I'm sorry for saying that..You can go now to wherever you want to go..

After he left,you enter your bedroom and flopped yourself on the bed..You sigh heavily..

You look at your phone and saw Jimin's number..You smiled to yourself then slapped yourself..


You rub your cheeks in pain but smile anyway.."Crazy girl"

                                                      -JIMIN POV-

"MY BOYFRIEND"..That word keep lingering in Jimin's mind as he groaned in frustration..

TH:What's wrong with you?

JM:I want you to search everything related to KIM Y/N..

TH:Why?Is she that girl?

JM:Yeah,but she already have boyfriend..

TH:I thought you will move on-

Jimin cut him off

JM:I the back what i said..I want her..

TH:Okay then..You know I will support you but just make sure you are NOT obsessed with her...

JM:Don't worry,Tae..It's just something about her that makes me want her..

TH:I hope so..

                                                                              -Y/N POV-

You groaned and walk towards front door as the doorbell didn't stop ringing..You open the door about to shout but froze as you saw the person..


                                                                            -TO BE CONTINUED-

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                                                                            -TO BE CONTINUED-

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