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JK:You think she will accept us?We know she is sensitive girl means she is easy to scared,cry..

TH:We doesn't have to make things obvious..

JK:Okay,so how to make both of them stay here?I mean she just know Jimin hyung for 2 weeks..How can she trust us?Plus,we don't have enough reason to make them live with us,hyung.Will she understand that we only want to protect her?It's just a girl though..That girl must be her highschool bullied..Why we have to be so protective over her?I just can't understand..

Taehyung sighed.

TH:I know but I think she is in danger..That girl seems familiar to me..You should meet Y/N tomorrow ,Jimin.

Jimin nodded..

                             -2 MONTHS LATER-

Your relationship with Jimin start to be closer.Since the day Irene talk to you there's no sign of her anymore and you glad she doesn't disturbed you anymore.Jimin's obsession to you start to faded slowly thanks to Taehyung.Jungkook and Jimin always wondering why Taehyung always being protective over Jimin and Y/N's relationship.Is it because he doesn't want Jimin to do the same mistakes like in the past and to be hurt again or there's different reason behind it?

                  -YOUR POV-

Y/N:Aishh you ugly creature!!

I said while chasing Seokjin..Well,he draw my face using marker while I'm sleeping..Lucky it's not permanent one..

SJ:HEY!I AM WORLDWIDE HANDSOME YOU KNOW??How dare you call me ugly,ugly!

We start to pull each other's hair.



We stop but I climbed his back with a marker in my hand and start to ruin his so called beautiful face.

SJ:YAH YOU MONSTER! Stop it!You will ruin my face!AH-MY BACK!

Y/N:Ha! Such an old grandpa!

I climbed off of his back and laughed loudly..He glared at me while Jisoo chuckled at how childish we are.

SJ:You are such a problematic brat..

Y/N:Well,you do it first..And thank you,I will take that as a compliment..

I smile playfully at him.

JS:Okay,stop it guys..So,Y/N..Do you like Jimin?

I choked my saliva and look at her eyes widen.

Y/N:That's so sudden..

SJ:Just answer her,kid..


He glared at me but I just chuckled and start to think do I like him?Well,he is sweet and caring..But something keep bothering me..Why his presence feels familiar?

JS:Y/N?You okay?

I look at her and nodded.

Y/N:Yeah,I'm okay..Well,maybe I do like him..

SJ:Oh,come on!We know you like him!It's too obvious! The way you look at him,smile to him..Gosh..

Y/N:I-I don't know..His presence is familiar to me..His smile,his hug..It's seems like I already experience with someone but who..He makes me feel comfortable with him..Gosh..Do I have an amnesia before?

                           -AUTHOR POV-

Jisoo and Seokjin look at each other with worried face..They both seems hiding something from her..You look at both of them weirdly.

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