Chapter 16

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(I think you guys are gonna like this chapter.)

"Can you guys eat without making a huge mess? This room just got mopped!"

Blue glanced over when he heard Killer scolding Dust and Horror for their behavior. The two were always super messy and lacked all sorts of manners. Sometimes Blue found himself wondering how he'd ever dated Dust, even before the cheating. Still, he couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his mouth. At least they were having fun. Even if it was gross.

"Aw come on Killer! It's just a little food fight!" Dust said, huffing as the other threw a cloth at him. "What's this for?"

"To wipe your face, you idiot," Killer scoffed, tossing another one to Horror. "And if that's what you call a food fight, then I'd hate to see what would happen when you actually throw food at someone."

"Huh?" Cross asked, looking up from his phone. "I zoned out for-- oh dear God."

Cross visibly looked disgusted when he saw the mess smeared across Dust and Horror's faces. Blue couldn't say he blamed him. It looked like, and he was trying to put this the nicest way possible, Horror and Dust had thrown up mashed potatoes and gravy, had their faces shoved in it, made out with each other, then threw up again. Crescent and Betty made faces of disgust at the sight of it, pushing their plates away from them for a few minutes. Error and Nightmare had yet to react in any way, and Blue didn't even think Reaper was awake over there.

"But Killer, throwing food at people just wastes it!" Horror argued. "You shouldn't waste food!"

"And you're right. But making people lose their appetites is also bad." Killer nodded. "Just look at the children!"

Horror and Dust glanced over at Crescent and Betty. They'd yet to pull their plates back up to themselves. Betty didn't even need to really eat to begin with, she just had to consume souls for their magic. It was similar for Crescent, but he actually liked to eat sometimes. Blue offered Betty a small smile when she looked up, but she was quick to look back down. The poor girl.

"So.... has anyone talked to Classic lately?" Dust asked, finished with wiping the mess of of his face.

"ClAsSiC wAnTs NoThInG tO dO wItH uS," Error spoke up. "CaN't SaY I bLaMe HiM."

"Well maybe if two people didn't kidnap the original Frisk...." Killer murmured, casting a stink eye towards the other two. "No, no, no. Don't look at me like that! You know damn well that was uncalled for, even for us!"

"It's not my fault they all look the same!" Dust shot back. "Sometimes you get lucky and they're wearing different clothes. But Classic's Frisk and my Frisk look identical!"

"I'vE sEeN hIs FrIsK lOtS oF tImEs BeFoRe," Error pitched in again. "ThEy Do LoOk SiMiLaR, bUt DuStTaLe'S FrIsK lOoKs MisErAbLe AlL tHe TiMe."

"And unlike Classic's world, or even numerous of the AUs, your Chara isn't a misunderstood scapegoat," Nightmare added. "Your Chara is a Satan incarnate."

"Don't have to tell me something I already know," he grumbled. "Still haven't forgiven either of them."

"Well.... you don't have to," Blue piped up.

Apparently, Blue adding a word or two to the conversation hadn't been expected. He was met with several eyes on him, all holding similar looks of surprise. It was true that Blue wasn't the most experienced when it came to having conflicts with the humans, but he did know a thing or two about forgiveness. When that thought came to him, he glanced at a certain someone for a brief moment.

"He's right," Horror added, giving Dust an elbow to the gut. "Dust?"

"Um... yeah, yeah...." Dust nodded, clearing his throat. "Thanks, Blue...."

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