Chapter 2

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*Dabi POV*

I wake up , feeling two weights in my chest and upon closer look , I realized it was Zuku and Toga . I looked around and noticed that we weren't in our house but in a very strange and expensive place . I was about to freaky out , until all of last night's event came back to my mind and I froze for a moment . Oh , we're at UA . I might've sound chill yesterday in the interrogation room but it's not everyday that the principal of UA decides to enroll 3 vigilantes in his school for heroes . At first I was skeptical about coming , but this is probably our one and only chance to become heroes and we are not letting it go to waste . Coming to UA has its ups and downs , but the worst down is that Shoto studies here . 'What if he finds out who I am ?? What if he doesn't want to talk to me ?? What if he hates me for leaving him ?? I can't loose my brother , not again - '

" Your thoughts are too loud Dabi , stop thinking . He won't even notice it's you because of your change of appearance and voice so I don't know what you're worried about . And even if he does notice , he'll have no choice but to love you . I know I don't say this enough but , you're an amazing brother and I love you a lot and if he dares hate you , Toga and I , will make sure to kill him , okay ?? " I hear Izuku say with a rough voice , pulling me out of my thoughts . I looked at him and couldn't help but smile a bit at his actions . Zuku really was a good little brother but of course I wouldn't tell him that , so I stuck with : " Now , since you're awake . Wanna go make breakfast for us ?? "

He laughed a bit but nodded and stood up , going to what I guess is the kitchen . Since he was making breakfast already , that meant it was already time to get ready so I decided to wake up Toga and go get dressed . After waking up Toga , I went to the bathroom and showered .
( I'm not going to write a paragraph of my boy in the bathroom so ... )
After leaving the bathroom , I went to my closet only to realize it was empty . I sighed and looked around , finding some clothes in my bed ( which I bet Eraser chose ) that looked exactly my style : an oversized nirvana black t-shirt with black sweatpants and checkered vans . I smiled and put them on , checking myself in the mirror for a few seconds , then shrugged and left my room . When I got out of the room , I was immediately caught with the overwhelming scent of pancakes , that made me run to a couch in the living room and make grabby hands to one of the plates . Toga simply laughed and gave me a plate with chocolate syrup and strawberries , sitting beside me and Izuku , starting to talk excitedly about a new game that got out with Izuku , and me simply listening to the conversation ( sometimes commenting ) .


After eating breakfast , Toga and Zuku went to go get ready while I scrolled through channels , and giving up on it after a few minutes . It took Toga 6 minutes to come out of her room , wearing a pair of black sweatpants ( which seemed big for her , therefore tying a knot ) and a white t-shirt that said ' LQBTQ ' , with her hair tied like it normally is and black boots . Overall , she looked good . She smiled at me and started ranting about something , sometimes asking me questions in which I answered with a short ' yes ' or ' okay ' ( even though I wasn't hearing shit of what she was saying ) . After a few minutes of her rant , I cut her off by asking where was Izuku and she said that he was still getting dressed . I rolled my eyes at that and screamed : " C'MON ZUKU , YOU'RE TAKING TOO LONG !! "
In which he answered with a :
" I'M COMING . IT'S JUST THIS GODAMN SNEAKERS WON'T FIT !! YOU KNOW WHAT , FUCK IT ! " he said getting out of the room . He was wearing a black bts oversized t-shirt and some dark blue sweatpants , with his air in a ponytail , holding a pair of white sneakers that looked way too big for him .

" Is your foot that small ?? " Toga asked , trying her best to hold back a laugh . I closed my ears , already expecting an argument but was surprised when Zuku simple rolled his eyes and said : " Oh shut your mouth , it's not my fault I was born with small feet " . I sighed of relief , happy that there wasn't going to be an argument this early on the morning but was immediately let down when Toga kept provoking him , which caused Zuku to explode and for them to have a full blown fight .
At first I completated if I should stop them or not but then I remembered that I was too lazy for this shit so I simply sat in the corner and laughed at them .

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