Chapter 1

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*Izuku POV *

" TOGA , YOU BITCH , THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT " Dabi said dodging a bunch of endeavor's flames .
" ZUZU WHAT DO WE DO ?!!! " Toga asked , running into another alleyway , almost tripping because of Eraser's scarf . I ignored and made another turn , making the other two roll their eyes but still follow me .

Now you might be wondering why the fuck are we screaming like maniacs , so , let me explain :
10 minutes ago
I was out doing my patrol , with Toga and Dabi . This was one of the many days that we dealt with such a separation anxiety that we had to do patrols together . It was all going smoothly , until we encountered 4 guys trying to rape a girl . Dabi knew what was about to go down , so he simply looked at us and sighed , crouching down to the alleyway so that he could escort the girl . You see , both me and Toga aren't huge fans of rapists , so I think you can imagine how we felt . Next thing we know , Dabi had already escorted the girl out and me and Toga were trying to control ourselves to not kill them .

That did not work .

At all .

" Hey izu, I wonder if I can cut that guy without him screaming~ " Toga said taking out her knives and running towards the guy .
" NO , TOGA WAIT - DABI help me out " I said running after her . Now don't get me wrong , I would've loved to kill them myself but if Toga went they would definetly - " - AHHHHHHH" scream .

Just when I was about to jump on her back and try to tell her to stop , I saw a white scarf coming in between me and Toga . I quickly dodged and turned to the direction , only to see the one and only : ERASER FUCKING HEAD . Now , normally I would've been happy because he happened to be my favorite hero ( probably the only one that I like ) and he kinda acted like a dad since he saved me multiple times before and cares about my well being , but it seems that today was not the day because he's not alone , and he looked pissed .

Fucking great .

And that leads us to now :

" ZUZU WHAT DO WE DO ?!!! " Toga asked running into another alleyway .
" I DONT FUCKING KNO- AHHHH SHITTT !! " I said , almost tripping because of eraserhead's scarf .
" JUST KEEP RUNNING " Dabi said as he turned left . I just kept following him until I realized something . Eraser head is probably on the rooftops and that alley is a dead end .
Just as I was about to finish warning him , Endeawhore fucking cuts me off !!
" And who the fuck do you think you are , you flaming trash ?! " I screamed back , causing Dabi and Toga to laugh and Eraserhead trying his best to hold his own . In the middle of our laughs , Midnight decided that it was a great time to release her gas and that caused to both Dabi and Toga to fall . Everyone looked at me incredulously , wondering how in the hell I didn't faint , but they were cut off their shock by hearing Eraserhead screaming :
" He has a air filter mask ! Just knock him out normally !! " ( well aren't we fucking snitches today !! ) That made me distracted for a second too long , and that resulted in Eraserhead using his scarf to knock me out ( wtf , I thought we were friends bitch ?! ) .

And that , my kids is how I got caught .


When I woke up again , I was in a chair , with anti-quirk cuffs ( ironic isn't it ) and chains in both my arms and legs . Before I could even process anything , I heard a voice saying :

" So you decided to finally wake up huh ?? " I rolled my eyes since I could basically feel his smirk and retorted with a :
" Oh shut up . Unlike you , I was actually knocked out . " That seemed to make him shut up . Since I noticed that it was too quiet I asked : " Where's Toga ?? "
Dabi said nothing for a few seconds , but pointed to my left . There she was still knocked out , basically drooling in the desk . Now normally , I would've let her sleep ( because I'm such an amazing brother 🤩🤩 ) but today I was kind of in a bad mood , and since this was basically her fault , I woke her up . Screaming .

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