Chapter 8

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* Daisuke POV * ( bet you weren't expecting that )

I stood there in middle of the bar , pulling my hair and swearing under my breath . I can't believe this !! Father is going to kill me . That mission was supposed to go without a hitch , but OF COURSE one of the hero wannabes had to FUCKING ruin it !!
" I'm going to assume the mission didn't go right . " a voice said from the tv screen , startling me for a few seconds . I gulped and answered as respectfully as I could sound right now , saying : " Yes , and I apologize Father . Some brat got in the way and managed to kill Nomu . " that seemed to pick his interest .
" And which kid is that ?? " Father asked .
" I don't know his real name or quirk but he goes by Deku . He's 5'5 , has green hair and green eyes . " with my statement , Father's eyes widened and he looked shocked for a quick second but put his emotionless face right after .
" Are you sure that's the kid ?? " I simply nodded and we started discussing our plans for the next time . After our conversation I couldn't get Father's face out of my head . Does he know the kid ??

* Izuku POV *

It took me a while to realize where I was once I woke up . When I opened my eyes , I was met with a white ceiling and too many bright lights , making me groan softly . I look at my chest - since it felt heavy - and see both Dabi and Toga sleeping , with Dabi's head in my chest while Toga's head was on my lap . I looked to my left side and saw Recovery girl and what seems like Aizawa talking - more like mumbling - about something ( which I later on discovered was the USJ accident ) and couldn't help but cringe at the sight because Eraserdad definitely looked awful . He had bandages all over his arms and face - with the exception of his eyes - and he's voice seemed hoarse due to the monsters attack . When I realized the sounds had stopped while I was thinking , I groaned to grab their attention , assuming that the conversation they were having was over .

Not even 2 seconds later , Recovery girl was already at my side , looking at me worriedly and asked : " Oh dearie !! Are you feeling okay ?? Are you with a headache or pain somewhere ?? " in which I answered with a : " I'm fine chiyo-san , I'd just like some water please . " She nodded and left the room , making me turn my attention back to Dadzawa . We stayed silent for a few seconds but after a while we both said at the same time : " You look like shit . " causing a grin to spread through my side and an eye roll from his .

" How are you feeling tho kid ?? " he asked , not even trying to hide his worry which caused me to smile and answer truthfully saying :
" I'm fine pops , I just feel kinda sore , and you ?? " in which he answered with a :" Nothing I can't handle . "

" How's everyone ?? " I asked , after a few seconds of comfortable silence . He looked at me and rolled his eyes , saying : " You should be worrying about yourself right now problem child . But everyone's fine , they only have minor injuries from fighting those low-level thugs , while me and you weren't so lucky . My jaw is broken and I have to wear a cast in both my arms for a week ; while you , have 2 broken ribs , a broken left arm and a dislocated jaw . Besides that , no one is really injured . "

I sighed in relief after hearing those news - feeling happy that I was actually useful for once - and said laughing : " That's why it hurts a bit to speak . But only 2 broken ribs ?? I'm starting to get better ! Normally I'd have 4 !! " causing Dadzawa to chuckle under his breath and mumble a ' that true ' . We stayed in comfortable silence for a while but it was ruined once I asked : " BTW , how's my scythe ?? " feeling a bit nervous . That scythe is on of my main weapons and re doing that would be a bitch . He rolled his eyes at that question and said : " Your baby's fine , I made sure that no one touched it besides Dabi . It has some fractures here and there but I'm sure that you will be able to fix it . " I thanked him with a small smile and went back into comfortable silence .

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