Chapter 5

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* 3rd person POV *

After Deku went with Todoroki ...

In the teacher's lounge

" All might , what's the problem ?? " Nemuri asked , noticing All Might's sad attitude .
" Nothing's wrong , don't worry about it . " All Might said , sending her one of his hero smiles but Nemuri didn't buy that yet still let him be . 5 minutes later a pissed off Eraser slams the door open and went up to All Might , looking mad as fuck . He breathed in and out , trying to calm himself down then said : " All Might , You and me , talk outside NOW !! "

All of the teachers tensed . Eraserhead barely screamed and he almost never talk with that tone . The only time he talked like that was when he had a horrible day and there was no coffee in the teacher's lounge , making him want to throw himself of the building .

Everyone of the staff wondered what the fuck did All Might do , including himself , to make Eraserhead this mad . All Might didn't understand what was happening but still asked : " What's the problem Eraser ?? " in a sweet tone . Eraserhead slammed his hands on the table and said : " What's the problem ?? What's the motherfucking problem ?! THE FUCKING PROBLEM IS THAT I JUST DISCOVERED THAT YOU SAID IZUKU COULDN'T BE A HERO !! " At this , everyone looked at All Might , eyes wide open in shock . The number 1 hero said that ?? Did he really tell that to that terrifying yet cute human bean ?? That's impossible !! All Might widened his eyes and tried to save himself , saying :
" What was I supposed to do ?! I only did that to keep him safe . The hero field is dangerous , and I couldn't let him go since he's- " " - All Might , if you dare and finish that phrase I will find a way to ruin your life . Who are you to try to keep the kid safe ?! How would you feel if people told you your whole life that you couldn't be a hero due to you being quirkless ?! You're just lucky he didn't jump or even worse , join the villains because that kid could kill us all if he pleased . He went through shit his whole life and you couldn't even give him the validation he deserved . I knew you were a dick but for fucks sake I thought you weren't stupid !! " Everyone looked at Eraser in shock . Yep , he was definitely about to kill someone . It looked that All Might wasn't hearing anything that Eraserhead said , but he still sighed and asked : " What do you want me to do , to fix this ?? " Eraserhead looked at him then smirked , asking : " Just answer my question : do you think quirkless people can be heroes ?? " Everyone waited impatiently for All Might's answer . This answer would place everyone's view and relationship in risk with the number one hero but they couldn't care less . They waited for a few seconds , until All Might said : " It's too dangerous for him . I mean look at the boy !! He doesn't have any muscle , he had a panic attack for fighting someone he knows , he wasn't even paying attention to the lessons today !! Plus he doesn't have a quirk !! How will he defend himself ?! He'll only be a liability in battle . He can't think that he can be a hero like that !! " Eraserhead fucking lost it at that moment , saying :?
" Don't you DARE UNDERESTIMATE THE KID !! That kid saved a lot more people than most heroes and he didn't even do it for fame like half of the heroes out there . If you knew why he wasn't paying attention in his lessons you would understand but he wasn't playing attention because he already knew everything we're teaching , the kid PRATICALLY GRADUATED COLLEGE !! And if you knew about his past , you'd know better than put him against Bakugo . And just so you know , I would've had way more than a panic attack if I had to fight the kid that made my life hell and saw the man that destroyed my dreams !! That kid is way stronger than most of us and could beat at least half of us with his skills . That kid is a hero already , a way better hero than you . Don't think that just because you have a strong quirk you're above him , because you aren't . Stay away from him and from the other 2 too . If I see you close to them , I'll make sure to ruin your pathetic excuse of a life . " And with that , he left . Everyone stared at All Might with disappointment . Is this really the man that they looked up too ?? Some felt disgusted ( Hizashi and Nemuri ) by All Might's actions while others felt extremely disappointed .
All Might really fucked up this time .

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