Chapter 7

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* Izuku POV *

" Nezu please !! He doesn't even have any lessons today nor internships !! This could even be a chance for him to prepare himself !! " I argued back .
" Why do you want him to go so bad ?? " Nezu finally asked , looking at me with a confused expression .
" It's just I have this gut feeling that something bad is going to happen , and I'll feel better if he goes with us , so please !! I'll even upgrade your security and I'll bring you that tea that you have wanted to taste for a while !! " I said , trying to convince him . Thankfully , it worked because he seemed to perk up at that last sentence and said : " Okay fine , he can go . "
I shouted out a ' thank you ' and left his room . You must be wondering what I'm doing ; well , today is the day class 1A has to go to the USJ , but there's something not sitting right for me so I requested Nezu to let me take Dabi so that in case something does happen , I can keep us all safe . It took a while but I managed to convince him to take Dabi and my beautiful scythe .


Right now , me and the dekusquad + dabi talking about something in the bus ( which I didn't bother to remember ) when out of nowhere Tsuyu looked at me and said :
" Hey Deku , you know how blunt I am so I've got to ask : why do you keep your hair long?? And what is that huge thing by your side ?? " I automatically grabbed a loose strand of my hair and smiled , saying : " I actually never cut it before and I kinda like it long . And the huge thing by my side is my scythe ; it took me a while , but I managed to convince Nezu to bring it . " Tsuyu seemed satisfied with my answer but Uraraka got more curious and asked : " Why have you never cut it before ?? And why do you need your scythe ?? " I breathed in and out , trying to keep the memories from Inko away and said :
" About the scythe , I just felt like taking it and about the hair it's personal reasons Ura . " with that she nodded and everyone kept minding their business . The problem is , now that Tsu spoke about it I haven't thought about Inko for a while now . 'I wonder what and how she's doing ?? What would my life be like if I was still with her ?? Is she actually feeling bad for losing me ?? Did I make the wrong choice by running away ?? Should I have sta -
" Zuku you're mumbling . " Dabi warned in a low whisper . I looked around and noticed that only he was looking at me , meaning that he was the only one that heard . I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked back at Dabi in which he whispered again with a cocky tone : " You didn't make any wrong choice and I'm sure she doesn't feel bad . She's a bitch after all . " making me laugh and nod , turning back my attention to the dekusquad . What I didn't know , is that someone other than Dabi did hear me mumbling ...


" Hello everyone !! I'm the pro-hero thirteen and I'll be the hero teaching and helping all of you today ... " after that I tuned him out because I saw a really suspicious figure . I gripped my scythe hard , trying to figure out who they were but before I could , the lights went out for 5 seconds and then came back . Before I could even look around , I heard Kirishima say with excitement : " Wow , you guys even have fake villains !! " in which Eraser answered with a : " Those aren't fake , they're real !! Thirteen keep the students safe . " and with that dadzawa went to fight . I rolled my eyes and looked around , trying to figure a plan when I finally decided on : " Iida , go back to the school and call for backup !! " I screamed .
He was about to protest until I sent him a glare that made him run back . Right after he went , the doors and windows locked themselves and when we looked around , 13 had disappeared . With that every student started freaking out , making it harder to think of a plan .

Before I knew it , I was in the middle of the water with 5 or 6 villains surrounding me , each of them ready to attack . I was about to stab one of the bitches to death until I felt a tongue wrap around my torso and pull me out of the water aggressively , making me hit a hard surface and gasp for air . When I opened my eyes , I saw Tsu looking at me worriedly and saying : " Sorry about that , but you looked like you needed help . " I nodded and thanked them ( even though I clearly didn't need it ) .

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