chapter one

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a/n, cw/tw: angst topics (self harm mentions, alcoholism mentions, physical abuse, intrusive thoughts and anxiety) - read at your own comfort please, you have been given a warning <3

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george never pinpointed when it seriously got bad for him, after all he couldn't remember because he hadn't touched a blade or a drink for two years, because that was how long cameron had been in his life.

george was 18 when he finally came out as gay, his parents were highly religious and had kicked him out, but george didn't mind exactly, because he felt free in his own home, he could wear what he wanted, he could talk how he wanted.

after a few years of being out of the closet, his 2 best friends, clay also known online as dream and sapnap convinced him to download grindr and find a love, it first started as a joke but little did they all know george would have met someone who he genuinely felt a connection.

6 months after their first date, cameron moved in with george. neither could have been happier. to them both at that time, they felt as if they had met their soulmates.

time went quick for them and soon enough it had been 2 years since then, they'd celebrated their anniversary mere of a few weeks ago, dream and sapnap were made up for their best friend, insisting george took the day off from staring at a screen.

he knew him and cameron hadn't been as close in the bedroom department, george's now work as a streamer, youtuber and influencer was demanding of long nights and difficult sleeping patterns. 

cameron had also been under pressure at the office, he'd worked late and often both would go a few days without talking, but george thought this was what was normal for working couples.

one night george took off for the first since their anniversary, the one night and this was how it was going to happen.

cameron shifted away from the embrace him and george was in, george furrowed his brows as cameron let out a sigh.

"georgie... i need you to listen to me when i say this please don't be mad, i loved you very much..." george heard from cameron, his heart clinging to the past tense in the love.

"cam? whats going on," george asked, concerned, cameron had never been distant, other than the last few months but he was working.

"listen... i think we need to break up..." cameron said, looking up into george's doe brown eyes.

heart dropped.

george felt sick, and felt his heart tighten, he didn't know if his anxiety was acting or if he was fully dealing with his first ever heartbreak.

"w-what? cameron what do you mean, we just celebrated being together for 2 years- what's changed-" george said still staring cameron down.

cameron sighed and couldn't look george in the eyes as he said this he never expected to fall for another, but the "late nights at the office" turned into hook ups with another man.

"i didn't mean for this to happen... there's someone else, but this doesn't mean your any less of a person and someone will treat you better. but i love someone else now georgie... but i loved you a lot." cameron said, ensuring he made sure george was not going to make him self feel blame and feel as if he was a piece of shit.

but even if cameron still cared.

george was feeling that way. them words meant nothing in george's mind. 

george stated blankly, tears threatening to spill as he stood up rapidly and paced his living room.

"someone else... fuck. out of all the people out there, i least expected it to happen to me. fucking hell when brooke cheated on dream i thought. cameron would never do that, but hey, news flash to me! he would do that!" george said loudly as cameron looked up at his now ex boyfriend then standing.

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