Chapter 11

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Julie pov:

I almost spit out my drink 

"WHAT," I said

"I don't know I Can see them," Flynn says

"Okay so point to them," I say

She first points to Reggie then luke then Alex

"Okay Okay, but can you see the person next to Alex," I say looking at willie 

"No, they're someone next to Alex?" She says

"Okay yea, so you can only see the guys"

This is weird

"Okay well it's good right because now the manager can actually see who shes managing," Reggie says

"Can you touch us?" Alex asked

Fynn walks over to Reggie and her hand goes right through him


"Well eventually you will because Julies mom told us that soon Julie will be able to make us visible and touchable," Luke says smiling at me

"Wait you met Rose"

"Rose? why does that name sound so familiar" Luke says thinking

"OH, remember the night we died we met her and Bobby flirted with her," Alex says



"Yeah now I remember," Luke says

"That's cool I guess"

"This is still a lot to process," Alex says sitting down with willie sitting next to him

"Wait shouldn't we make sure no one else can see us," Reggie says

"Oo yeah that probably a good idea," Luke says

"Well we can get Carlos to come in here because he already knows about you guys," I say

"Yeah okay," Alex says

I walk out of the studio

When I walk into the house I see Carlos sitting on the couch playing on his Ipad

"Hey Carlos"

"Hey what's up to Julie," he says looking over at me

"Can you just come into the studio for a second?" I ask

"Yeah sure" He gets up and follows after me

I open the studio door and walked in

He walked behind me

I turned around

"Can you see anyone?" I asked

"yeah, Flynn," He says

"Okay anyone besides Flynn"

"No, am I supposed to?"

Thank goodness

"No, you can leave now"

I turned around

"That's good now we don't gotta worry about anything"

I look and see Luke smirking at Alex

"Luke what's wrong"

he looks at me smiling

"oh nothing it's just that Alex and Willie have been holding hand this whole time"

"oooooooo," Reggie says teasing

"Soo we have something to tell you guys," Alex says blushing

"We're dating," Willie says smiling

"YAYYY MY SHIP HAS SAILED, WILLEX WILLEX WILLEX" Reggie screams running around

everyone laughs

"Whats Willex" Alex asks

"It's your and Willies ship name," Reggie says calming down

"oh okay," he says

"Now all we need is Juke," Reggie says looking between me and luke

"Reggie shut up, that's not gonna happen..." Luke says

Then I hear him mumble something but I don't know what

But I guess Alex did

"What was that you said at the end," Alex says to Luke smirking

"Nothing," He says looking down

"Oh because Im pretty sure you said y....." He got cut off by luke jumping at him and putting his hand over his mouth

He then took Alex by his arm and dragged him out of the studio

I was kinda upset because Now I know that he does not even like me a little

Luke pov:

I dragged Alex outside

"Dude really, can you please not say"

"Say what, oh that at the end of saying "that's not gonna happen," you said yet," alec said smirking

"Yeah that," I say

"Fine I won't tell only if you admit to me that you like Julie," Alex said knowing that he got me on that one

"Okay yea fine I love Julie" right when I realized what I said I slapped my hand over my mouth

"WHATTTTTTT," Alex said jumping up and down

"you love Julie?" Alex asked

"Yea yea I do but do you promise not to tell anyone, not Julie, Flynn, Reggie, or even willie," I said

"Yea fine I promise," He said 

"Thanks," I say

we then walk back into the studio

Everyone turns to look at us

"What?" I ask to seem like I don't know what's happing

"What just happened?"Flynn asked

"I don't know what you're talking about," Alex says

"Okay whatever," Julie says walking towards me 

"What's up," I ask her

"Flynn told me that we have a gig tomorrow night, and I was thinking one song we can sing in the one you wrote "they don't know about us" " she says

"Yeah sure that's fine with me," I say smiling at her

And just like that, everything was good again.

*Hope you liked this chapter, next chapter will be the concert and some sparks will be flying with Luke and Julie*

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