Chapter 16

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Luke pov:

"Yea that would be so much fun," Julie said happily

"Yea and you can even invite your boyfrienddd," I said teasing Alex

"Oh shut it," Alex said smacking my arm

I shook my head and laughed

We all knew Flynn would not be able to see Willie but she can see us so its good enough

oh and by the way

I Ship Reggie and Flynn so much

I could not help to think that Reggie was getting a bit lonely

He used to be in a relationship but it ended with her cheating on him for the majority of the relationship

Im glad he has Flynn even tho they are like the complete opposite

Well I guess opposites attract

I was stuck in my thoughts I did not even realize that we got back to the studio

"Luke, LUKE" Julie said waving her hand in my face

I rubbed my eyes

"Sorry Jules I was spacing out for a second," I said looking at her

she smiled

AHHHHH that smile could literally kill me if I was not already dead

I smiled back

"Okay, I just wanted to let you know that Willie is here, and I was wondering if you wanted to come and help me get blankets and pillows from my house," she asked

"Yeah sure," I said 

"Great thanks," she said smiling and starting to walk to the door with me following behind her

We went into her house and grabbed as many blankets as we could find

I looked behind me and saw that she was turned away

I quickly grabbed a pillow and chucked it at her head

it hit her

"BULLSEYE" I screamed

"LUKEEE" Julie screamed turning around

I almost fell over laughing

but before I knew A pillow came flying at me and hit me right in the face

"HEY" I scream

Julie laughed

"That's what you get"

I started laughing with her

"Cmon Julies everyone's problem looking for us," I said picking up all the things I dropped

We walked back into the studio

"Took you guys long enough," Flynn says walking up and taking blankets and pillows out of my hand

She walked back and grabbed Reggie's hand and pulled him towards a chair but it was pretty big they both could fit

I saw Reggie's cheek turn dark red when Flynn took hold of his hand

I smirked to myself and turned to Julie

she looked at me smiling

"We have to keep an eye on them," I said

she nodded

"I so ship it," she said smiling

"Same," I said walking over to Alex and Willie and throwing blankets and pillows on them

They decided to stay on the floor

I walked over and sat on my couch

I looked up and saw Julie standing there looking at the ground

"Jules," I said

She looked up

"Yeah?" she asks

I pat the seat next to me

"Come sit next to me," I said sending her a smile

she smiled back

"Sure," She said walking over and sitting next to me

I never let anyone sit on my couch except Julie

she was special

We decided to watch High school musical because me Alex and Reggie have never watched it before

The movie was good so far but Then I looked over and saw Alex and willie all cuddled up. then I look and saw something I did not expect

Reggie and Flynn are holding hands

Then I thought back

She literally took his hand before

how could not notice this

Reggie is starting to become touchable to Flynn

I looked at Julie and nudged her

she looked up at me

I pointed at Reggie and Flynns hands

She gasped

"no way" she whispered

"yea, she must be able to touch Reggie, she is now and did before" I also said whispering

"omg I did not notice that, I sometimes forget that you guys are even ghosts," she said

I laugh

suddenly a gust of wind came into the studio

I see Julie shivering

"here," I say opening my arms for Julie

she smiles

she moved towards me and lays her head on my chest

I smiled

I had the whole world in my arms

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