Chapter 15

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Julies pov:

I was pacing around on the sand well the boys and Flynn was just sitting there watching me

"Why are you guys sitting there, what am I gonna do?" I say turning to look at them

Luke gets up and comes towards me

"Jules this is what your gonna do, you're going to go to Carrie and tell her that you rejected him, simple as that," He says looking into my eyes

I take a deep breath

"Okay," I say

I start to walk off

"JULIE" I hear luke call

I turn around

"what," I ask

"where are you going," he asks

"to carries house" 

"Oh you're going now," he asks

"yea," I say

"Okay we will come," Luke says walking towards me with Reggie Alex and Flynn following behind

I look back and see Reggie and Flynn laughing about something

ahhhhh I ship so bad

*Skip to when Julie, Flynn, and the boys get to carries house*

We walk up to the door

Luke looks at me

"Jules take a deep breath, everything will be fine," he says

I give him a small smile

he is like the only person who can calm me down

I knock on the door

Carrie opens the door

"Ugh what are you guys doing here," she asks rolling her eyes

"I need to talk to you," I say getting straight to the point

"Fine come in as long as you leave soon," she says walking off leaving the door open for us

We all walk-in

We follow her to her living room and when we see him sitting on the couch


I should have known nothing would go to plan

"Did you come here to apologize?" she says sitting down next to Nick

I was getting mad when I feel someone take my hand

I look to my right and see luke 

I slightly smile and him

I turn back to Carrie and Luke squeezes my hand telling me to stay calm

"Actually I came here to let you know that you never let me finish my sentence," I say

"Okay and..."She says rolling her eyes once again

"I was gonna say that said no to Nick but you left before I can say it," I say looking down

"Yeah sure," she says sounding fake

I look up at nick

"You know I said no to you why did you not tell her before she started rumors about me?" I ask nick

"I tried but I never got the chance. Im sorry" Nick says

"Okay whatever, Carrie I just came here to say that I'm sorry you took that the wrong way and that I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend- or I mean ex-boyfriend, or whatever you guys are," I say

"Whatever can you guys go now," she says lying back on her couch

"Okay bye," I say

"Carrie I will be watching you," Flynn says giving her the stink eye

I quickly grab her arm and pull her out the door

"I guess that went pretty well," Alex says

"Yeah she does not seem mad at you for taking her boyfriend," Reggie says dumbfound

Alex wacks his head

"OW what was that for," Reggie says rubbing the back of his head

"She did not steal her boyfriend," Alex says

"ohhhhhhh," Reggie says

Flynn laughs

I turn to her and give her like eyes that mean What-was-that

She rolls her eyes and turns away smiling

we start walking home when Flynn runs and tries to run through Reggie but hits him instead

she almost falls

"owwww" She says

"Why did you just bump into me, WAIT HOW DID YOU JUST BUMP INTO ME" Reggie screams

"Oh because Flynn will soon be able to touch us, it's like forming, so she will sometimes be able t touch us and sometimes she won't, Rose told me this," Luke says putting his hand on his hips thinking that he's sooo smart

I shake my head and laugh

Suddenly Alex stops dead in his tracks

"guys I Just had an amazing idea," he says turning to us

"Okay let's hear it," luke says putting his arms on my shoulder


*Get ready for some Juke, Relynn, and Willex in the next chapter*

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